Painting jack-o-lantern jars, using any old glass jar (can be from spaghetti sauce even) without the lid and the label washed off. Just use acrylic paint and they can paint them, then stick candles inside when they get home at night.
For food, mummy dogs (hot dogs wrapped in strings of crescent roll dough), whole clementines with jack-o-lantern faces drawn on, nutter-butter ghosts (whole nutter butter cookies dipped in white candy/chocolate with dots for eyes), chocolate cupcakes (or pudding or whatever) with one of those plastic doll hands (you can get them at the craft store) sticking up out of it like it's coming up out of the grave...
Oh, also - for food, apple slices (like you would normally) with mini-marshmallows in between so that they look like mouths with teeth. Use parts of toothpicks to hold the apples and marshmallow ensemble together.
For food, mummy dogs (hot dogs wrapped in strings of crescent roll dough), whole clementines with jack-o-lantern faces drawn on, nutter-butter ghosts (whole nutter butter cookies dipped in white candy/chocolate with dots for eyes), chocolate cupcakes (or pudding or whatever) with one of those plastic doll hands (you can get them at the craft store) sticking up out of it like it's coming up out of the grave...
Just some ideas. Sounds like fun!
for creepier teeth
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