Ooookay. I have no clue what I'm looking for. That said, I am living with my parents for the summer until my mother's cancer treatments are finished and while I'm here, I'd love to figure out a way to rearrange the furniture in my home....which, as stated before, IS NOT here, so I'm not sure what to do about this being that I'm rarely at my house, saving the twice a month I run by to pick up mail.
Does anyone know of a website/program (preferably free, being as I am living on my meager savings until mom feels well enough to go back to work) where I could put in the diminsions of each room and the dimensions of each piece of furniture and move the furniture about and maybe print it out like a map so that I won't forget anything if I stumble upon THE PERFECT setting before moving home?
Bonus points if it will allow me to pick the color of each piece of furniture so that maybe I could TRY to have a sense of style and group similar theme/colors together in my home...