Your favorite products

Mar 05, 2011 08:04

I'm sure this goes around every so often but I'm in the mood now to hear others wax enthusiastic about cleaning products from toilet to tub, carpet to laundry. What do you use? Why do you like it? Natural, conventional, or homemade, let me have it!

I've used homemade cleaners a lot in the past but I'm on a storebought kick mostly. I prefer non-petroleum-based products in general. I have hard water.

Dishsoap: Ecover
Dishwasher detergent: Finish Powerball
All-purpose cleaner: in flux
All-purpose heavy-duty/degreaser: Charlie's Soap All-Purpose
Toilet cleaner: Ecover or Seventh Generation
Abrasive cleanser: Baking soda & Dr. Bronner, Biokleen Soy Scrub, Bon Ami, Barkeeper's friend (least to most difficult dirt)
Glass cleaner: Method Best in Glass
Laundry detergent: Seventh Generation powder (HE) [Planet powder for cloth diapers, but *knock wood* the baby seems to have potty trained]
Hardwood floors: Bona
Wood furniture: Murphy's oil soap, Wood Beams conditioner
Quick convenient clean-up: Clorox Greenworks wipes

...That's all I can think of. So how about you? What do you love and why do you love it? Got a nice-smelling, fairly-mild all-purpose cleaner (counters and surfaces type stuff) to recommend? Or a positive or negative review of a specific product?

Thank you h_d!

product review - household, cleaning, green living, laundry/fabric care/clothing questions

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