(no subject)

Aug 22, 2007 01:40

Oh my GGGooooosssssHHH    I am cranky ...      I just wanta crawl up  the walls and fall off the ceiling then roll down the stairs clear out the door,  roll over the neighbours ugly old barn cat. Then come to rest somewhere out in the field across the road.  So there now that I got that out, I was hoping to feel somewhat better...  But I Don'T.   Urrrg...
So I ask myself " what seems to be the problem"   So I answer my self saying "nothing"

Here's something that I have noticed.....people don't actually want to hear how are you doing when they ask "how are you doing?"  And I myself like to know how someone is doing when I ask them how they are doing.....However when I ask someone how they're doing -- they will say " oh  good, I'm doing good.. which I know to be somewhat not true cause they think that I don't really care how they are doing....which actually I do care how they are doing - or I wouldn't have asked in the first place  "how are you doing" ?

I tend to take things literally and can't figure out if this is weird or not.  Now then some people don't want to know how you are doing and some people don't want you to know how they are doing....so I have decided it is all meaningless.

Here's something I remembered,  in another life....(not really another life) -- just in another city -- Brandon to be exact.
I had a neibour/ friend  and when I asked how she was ?   The reply was always the same --  oh good,  good  every thing is really good.    Good it was NOT...as a matter of fact when she said every thing is good, good and very good
The fact of the matter was that nothing was good.

It all sounded too good to be true..

And it wasn't ....

The marrage has seen better days.   The husband had seen sober days, just not recently-- everynight when he came home he would exit the car and be seen carying in a brown paper bag --  and the contents of the bag was from the L.C.     And this every day..

So one of the kids told me that grampa put new doorknobs on the doors.... mmmm   hhhmmm.  which really meant that gampa put new looks on the doors for mom so that she could lock out dad .....  and this right in the middle of every thing being just hunky doory!

Next thing I stumble across, while on a neighbour hood walk was the dad sitting on his doorstep  telling me he didn't know where the wife was and that he couldn't get into the house,  or the mailbox for that matter -  so there he sat waiting for what I do not know.

So fast forward --- the wife took to haveing an affair with a well know buisness man who bought the same perfume for my friend and for his own wife---- yikes ---

fastforward  ---  some more

The dad went to renting an appartment, untill he was no more....quite litterally yes he expired in the place.

The mom went on to find another friend --  she herself had 2 kids and he had 2 kids and then they had one kid
that adds up to -- if I'm not mistaken 5 kids...     hmmm  and she just couldn't understand how I wanted my four  kids , and there she ended up with 5 -- ha  ha

Any way a year later she also expired......  at the young age of 40  both of them.   So you see everything was not fine fine  good good --

Things were in fact not fine at all and definately not at all good.
So why even bother .....
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