(no subject)

Feb 08, 2008 06:20

Well now I am mildly amused.  Seems to be that this year is the year of the Rat.   Now some one needs to wright a tune for this one.   That's the least that should be done!  After all I think many out there remember the tune entitled "year of the cat"

This ratty year may be more amusing to myself than to others. That is because---- well-----um I am not to sure how to explain this so that those out there can understand what I am trying to say.

Some times -- well maybe a tad bit more than sometimes my head gets filled up.  I'm not sure with what.  All I know is that it does and then I need to attend to my head.

If you can picture rats running around trying to catch there tails----yes they run around the perimeter of my head.  And I just noticed (maybe it always was this way -- but I just noticed THIS.-----While the rats run around the perimeter, gerbils are fighting more around the center of my head.  I don't know if i should admitt this -- some people may wish they had my head it is most interesting indeed---  cause these rodents make rodent sounds one to another -- and then they gnaw away on the contents of my head.  I think they do this to  make sure that I am aware of their flat out activity. 
This parellel reality is a bit quirky becaus I some times do listen quite attentively to what they are trying to say to one another and to myself for that matter.

And just when I find myself listening in --- they change language on me --- leavng me quite out in the cold -- which causes then to chuckle  and get back to gnawing.

However entertained my "friends" make me --  there are times when I just can't have any more activity going on in there - times when work must be done and my full attention is needed.   That's when they become most active -- trying to make them selves known loud and clear!!   And those are the times when I can not allow them full range to run wild and at will.

So what do I do?   ??   Well ---- I make a cup of tea.  Sit down -- open my favorite book and just let the words find there way from my pen onto the page. Some times  they flow smoothy, rhythmicly somewhat of a classical musical style -- some times  they march right onto my page.  Yes all the letters stand at attention -- then they do it they  just start  to march across the page!

Now and then the words that I am writing starting talking to each other.  Quite delightfully interesting --  the individual letters I mean - they begin to chat to one another!

I once listened in on an extremely intellegent conversation  -- yes extremely intellegent -- scholarly -- indeed.  Yes..M and T had  there conversation going on while H and C bickered back and forth...  And so the activity finally slows 
down.  I think they all get on their jammies and start a nap at just the time that I lay my pen down.

Oh yes the name of the book .  The book that my pen writes in.  The books title I mean.  The title----  "The Rat Trap"
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