Jul 05, 2006 22:01
Hey all, I'm just sitting at Peter's dad's place. I'm supposed to be backing up my laptop files but the hard drive is so dead that Peter's dad's computer can't read it most of the time. Tomorrow I'm going to have to go out and buy a new one so that I can have a working computer. However, by the looks of it I've lost over 1/2 of my music files, which includes my ~complete~ Dir en grey discography (-.-) along with some video files that I wanted. Hopefully Peter's dad will be able to recover them for me!
Today I made my first e-bay purchase. I bought Age of Wonders Shadow Magic, a game my brother and I play all the time. We really love it. I'm super excited to get it and start to play it on my new hard drive thingy...that works....hopefully. Back to the hard drive, I think I'm going to get an 80GB cos the place where we buy computer stuff has a 60GB for 95$ and an 80GB for 115$ (not including taxes) so for the extra 20$ I can get another 20 GB, sounds good to me. With a little luck I'll have The Sims 2 running on it by tomorrow and AoW Shadow Magic by the end of the month! (Myabe sooner? The guy I bought from is apparently a super duper quick shipper. *prays*)
So when I get a functioning computer my first order of business will be to find bittorrents of complete discograhy's again. w00t. Sucks arse that most of my music is a bit more difficult to find >.< Hey, anyone want to help me refind my mp3s? I'll be looking for [FIGURe:]'s discography (yes all four songs), any A9 I can get ahold of, among a whole bunch of other stuff. (Don't worry Mika I saved all my Kagrra, lol, I managed to get a good chunk of it off before my hard drive totally died on me *still praying Peter's dad will work some magic and make it work again.)
Anywho...I just took a break to Subway and ate a sub. It was pretty good. Not very much lettus on it and I had to ask the girl to put on more onion. I mean come on, veggies are the cheapest thing on the face of the planet and its all I'm getting on this stupid sandwich! Geez. Oh FYI I'm now a veggie. No more meat for hino. It makes me so ill that its not worth eating and being sick for a day or so. Plus the smell and look of it makes me want to hurl.
Peter is still going hardcore at his robot in a ball thing-a-mig-jig. I have the feeling that we're gonna be here until like 2 am so I'm going to find something else to do......
see ya around,