I'm crawling out of lurkdom just to vent my ire about tonight's episode. I LOVED it, but I also hate it very much.
::spoiler free, is vague ranting::
Aa;ldkfaoesifhna;osnfd'ai!!! Damn you all to hell, Kripke! All I can say is thank god for fan fiction, otherwise I'd either go on strike or just curl up in a little ball. I think I'll go watch
that Hitler rant because only that level of incoherent screaming is enough to make up for tonight. Thank you and screw you very much.
And don't even THINK about any other angels. At ALL.
Hugs and kisses forever.
P.S. Thank you for 3 more episodes.
P.P.S. What the hell? They took down the SPN Hitler rant but left all the others up on youtube?! Anyone got a copy of it before it went down, I would love you forever for a copy.