OK, first off I must tell everyone that Brisco County Jr is out on DVD--the entire show! SQUEEE!!! I loved this show as a teenager and I still love it, regardless of some well-placed corn :D I adored it waaaay before I was a slasher. Now....hmmmmmm ::EG::
Let the fangirl screams begin.
All right, SG-1 Insiders:
Ok--where the heck is Daniel? :P Merlin's library :P
You know, eventually, they are going to have to tell the public that there are aliens that they've been dealing with for 10 years. Especially since spaceships keep landing/crashing/attacking them. That's a lot of air force/army/etc servicemen to keep quiet.
::Verizon commercial:: = Mmmmmm...chocolate. Damn, now I'm hungry.
Ooooo, the 'interrogation'. Your interrogation methods suck! The SGC needs Batman. Or Ronon ^__^
Mitchel: I have no control.
Aawww! I want to pet him.
O.O OMG 200!!! JACK!!!!! And Wizard of freakin' OZ wth? !!!!Worf!Teal'c and Picard!Cam SQUEE!!! .....and JACK!! ::fangirlish implosion::
"My dear colonel." I adored Vala in this episode and her interactions with the team. Especially the girl power of Sam/Vala :D Plus, she got rid of the pig tails and looks hot in black again ^_^
Ok guys, thin stick trees are not much cover.
Malcolm is dumb and that guard is so getting fired for letting him in.
Whah!! Teal'c and Vala arm wrestling! ROFL!
Bwahahahahaa! Where the hell did Vala learn Earth military combat hand signals and why is she giving them?
Oh, poor Sam. Don't they feel dumb now?
Next episode of SG-1: OMG it's a freakin' werewolf! It's about time we got some truly scary aliens.
All in all, I enjoyed Insiders despite the lack of Daniel. I was feeling some Farscape vibes and the team interaction was good enough to bring me close to my happy place :D
SGA: Sateda aka TPTB love us. They love us very, very much. A lot.
Fangirls everywhere purr it with me: Sheppard in leather.
::tries very hard not to make lustful sounds in front of the family::
"That did not just happen!" Bwahahahhahahahhahaaaa!!!! The screaming! OMG I thought my sister and I were going to have an aneurysm from laughing so hard :D
Banter while running from arrows. Check. Somebody's been paying attention to fans :D
"Oh crap" is right! Mmmmmm. ::licks fallen Sheppard::
Hey! It's the dude from The New Adventures of Robin Hood! He'd played Merlin I think. Huh.
ROFLMAO! Rodney on morphine was hilarious! I've actually taken care of patients who had similar reactions. LOL. Guy with messy hair, "I think I lost him." Oh, yeah--McShep is in the house!
Caveman! ::dies::
O.O I bet Jason really liked getting to hold a knife to his throat in this. Everyone remember the behind the scenes vid where Teyla and the director were very nervous with him with a knife? LOL
Wow. Sheppard looked really pissed as he was dragged away. ::licks again::
Where the hell is Lorne and who is this dork they have in his place?!!?
Evil spooky King Wraith! Well...that's interesting. Not all of the male Wraith are pawns it seems.
Ok, the slime on the tracking device they're putting in his flesh just cannot be good for infection. Bleh.
I love the arm warmers. I don't care if my brother says it makes Ronon look like a cross-dresser. I don't care at all. Besides, Ronon would gut anyone who said as much :D
Wah! Wraith Ray-bans. ROFL! I want an icon.
Ronon's S.O. was a nurse! Eeeeeeee!! ::loves her profession::
O__o what is with the glowing Wraith eyes? Scary.
Squee! Rodney on the floor. McShep moment :D
Oh, what? "Don't preach to me about leaving people behind." WTH? I'm not touching that one because wow.
"You say that as if we're always getting into trouble." <3<3<3
Really, the Wraith are just stupid. Bringing Ronon to his home planet was the worst thing they could have done.
LOL That one that walks down the hall with a stunner looks like he's carrying a rock guitar to a concert :D
Ronon pulled a Sheppard! Hanging from the ceiling. ::tsk tsk::
Teyla's new black shirt = ::growl:: Mmmmhmmm.
No social skills? Indignant!Sheppard, "I have friends!" "I'd do anything, for any one of you." I can die happy now. The team interactions in this episode are wonderful and no one is left out, not even Carson. LOVE X INFINITY.
I loved that shot of Sheppard looking up at Ronon. It's a Han/Chewie moment.
"Just stay out of my way" = I <3 You
Oh, and you're Rambo? ...no, but Ronon is :D
Whahahahaa! The look on Teyla's face when John said "I got 9." :D
Wuhguh. Angry Ronon is very HOT!! And Troy, anyone? lol
"Teyla wouldn't let me!" Awww, poor John.
Eeeeee! Ronon/Carson!
Summary: My love knows no bounds, not even after last episode's journey into the dark side by Rodney using the drug on John.