
Apr 05, 2012 23:22

I just got approval to run the fanlistings for Mog from Final Fantasy 6 and Cosmos from Dissidia/Dissidia Duodecim: Final Fantasy. Kyah! So awesome! I love the FF6 Moogles (they look kinda like koalas in their sprite form). So cute! And Cosmos has to be one of the prettiest, kindest most awesome fictional goddess ever. Example: when she sees her warriors getting slain and her love (I consider Warrior of Light to be her love) about to be slain too she glares at the villains and unleashes some major destructive energy on the enemies. So. awesome! I haven't decided on a name for Mog's fl yet. The one I was thinking of is kinda silly, so I really don't want to use it. However, I decided on "Goddess of Harmony, Goddess of Death" for Cosmos because apparently that is what she is.
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