Yesterday, Today, and whatever

Dec 14, 2011 13:38

Okay, it went better than expected yesterday. They approved my request for monies to go to Sheridan Technical Institute, IF Sheridan Tech will approve me to register there in the first place.
I am getting some tutoring over Skype this evening from my aunt for the test on Friday. I'm currently working on the chapter about decimals and learning about Scientific Notation. It's pretty easy, or maybe it's just that it is actually explained pretty well in a step-by-step way that is actually very helpful. That's the good news. The bad news is that I'm getting one of my headaches. *sighs* It isn't that I haven't been taking breaks, I'm the Queen of Procrastination, or maybe just a Princess. A queen is a bit pretentious I guess. I think I'll fix something to eat, let my laptop charge up to full power and take my studying outside at the little table and chair set. I think that would help.

Oh, and just to add a little prettiness to this post. On one of my breaks I made two icons of Isla from "Barbie: Princess Charm School". They're the same, pic and design, I just happened to remove the overlay layer on the second one. I plan on making some more, as well as some of the other characters, it's just that Isla happens to be my favorite character in it.:-)

Bye bye!

Veronica (Nikki)
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