[self evaluation]

Sep 22, 2007 01:00

When I look back on how much I've changed since a couple years ago,
I find it to be so insane. Haha.
I mean, I still type like I'm vomiting out my thoughts,
But I find it amazing who I've gotten closer with, friends-wise,
what kind of music I listen to now,
how I dress,where my self-esteem is at,
my interests, how active I am,
many many things.

Some things still haven't changed, though.
I'm still pretty co-dependent, but I can still be pretty damn independent when I want to be.

I'm not yet done with this metamorphosis, though.
I'm still finding out who I am, and who I want to be.

Hahaha. That sounds so deep. It's not really.
I'm not that deep. Hahahaa.
Who reads this, anyways?
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