Apr 09, 2010 21:20
Yeah, so I'm back to wish happy birthday to someone. Why do I feel that most of my posts now are about wishing someone happy birthday? Oh right, maybe because they are? Sorry about that. ^^'
Ah, I could also wish happy b-day to one of my friends who already had her birthday, but who I didn't remember to congratulate then. So there are two persons to congratulate. : D
Happy 25th birthday to Yamapi~! <3
I hope you had an awesome birthday (and that you got lots of presents XD). I WISH I'd be able to congratulate him face to face, but since I don't know him (personally), I can't do that. So this is the only way. : D
Also a very happy birthday to my friend. You've already had your birthday last sunday but I'm definitely coming to your party tomorrow. ^^
...I think no I've congratulated everyone I needed to. Oh, now I remember. I also forgot Tamamori Yuta's birthday last month, so Very very happy birthday to him too~! (...for some reason the font got smaller after every congrats I wrote. But it has nothing to do with who is the most important to me. Believe me. : DD)
Please don't get frustrated with all my happybirthdayto -things. It's so far the only way I can express my support to certain japanese guys. ^^'
Maa, this really might seem like a pointless post to some people, but I can't help doing it. So bear with me. Thank you. ^^