Title: Tooth & Claw
Hinky-HippoWritten for:
GibbstonysbabePrompt used: AU version of our NCIS peeps with Tony and Gibbs in the forefront
Genre: G/D slash
Category: First Time, Supernatural
Rating: Adult
Disclaimer: Not mine - Boo!
Summary: tag to the episode, Chimera
Author's note: Many, many thanks to
bluefirebird, and
slipstreamfcr for their help, support, and encouragement.
Special thanks to
sinfulslasher for modding this challenge! It has been a very long time since I have written something, often dropping out of challenges and allowing my art to speak for me instead. This committment was the added push I guess I needed, and receiving
gibbstonysbabe's prompt was extra special, because she is one of my favorite people in this fandom. (I hope you notice I squeaked in under the deadline!)
I hope you all enjoy it. :)
Even from a distance and despite the jostling of the launch slicing through the waves beneath them, they could feel the force of the explosion as the black ship went up in a spectacular light show.
“Was that us or them?” Tony asked as the Chimera continued to burn down to the water line behind them.
Kicking up the throttle, Gibbs ducked to look around his second to zero in on McGee. “Get an uplink. I need a videoconference with Jenny now!”
“On it, Boss.” Tim sorted through his equipment, laying out what was needed and busying himself with his task, grateful to have something to distract himself from his constantly roiling stomach.
“Jethro, what do you think?”
Gibbs’ frown deepened as he looked at the doctor. “I think someone has some explaining to do, Duck. We should have been on that ship.” Catching Tony’s eyes as well, he nodded in the direction of the burning hull. “Either they shot as soon as they saw us clear the ship, or they shot and will follow up with this one. How’re you coming, McGee?”
“Hitting some atmospheric interference… Almost there. I shouldn’t be having this much trouble with the satellite - someone might be trying to jam us. If that’s the case, they’re not quite in range to totally shut us down.” He feverishly continued to type in commands as he tried valiantly to ignore the effect the irregular swells had on his body. “Ok, Boss. It’s coming in now but we could lose it any minute if the jamming gets stronger.”
“Jethro!” Even grainy and distorted, Jennifer Shepherd’s voice carried unmistakable relief. “Is that your entire team on that boat?”
“The team plus one,” Gibbs reported as his eyes travelled his small group. “We picked up a hitchhiker - Mitas, the cook.”
“Roger that. The Mason will be picking you up. They have a ship 2 miles off their starboard side, which is where I think your visitors came from.”
“Who sank the ship?”
“I honestly don’t know, Jethro. I’m not getting many straight answers.” Jenny’s frustration could be heard through the fuzzy link.
“Boss,” Tony interrupted, and then pointed at the horizon off the starboard side. “It looks like they’re sending a couple of Seahawks to pick us up.”
Ducking his head and squinting his eyes as he sighted along Tony’s arm, Jethro could barely make out the cylindrical shapes headed in their direction. Grunting in approval, he veered the boat to meet them.
In no time at all, one large helicopter was directly overhead with the second hovering nearby, and with Tim’s jerry-rigged laptop keyed into their communications, they all watched as the rescue basket was slowly lowered down to them. Gibbs had already ordered the crew to remain topside, since everyone in his team had the proper rescue training. They quickly took their turns up the rescue basket and, in short order, the first bird peeled off towards the Mason with everyone but Tony and Gibbs on board, while the second helicopter slipped into position overhead.
Gesturing to Tony to ensure the box was secure before they sent it up, Gibbs turned to grab the rescue basket. He hadn’t quite reached it when a desperate “BOSS!” rent the air at the same time he felt a solid body slam into his. Gibbs’ legs collided painfully with the side of the boat and he fell into the water sideways with a shout to the accompaniment of an unworldly hissing whistle followed by a loud pop which chased him into the water before the world went black.
Gibbs slowly drifted awake. Everything felt like it was wrapped in cotton batting with a thick layer of molasses spread over it. His body was leaden and the back of his arms, legs, and even his ears had the slow heat of a bad sunburn. His head buzzed insistently with a heavy weight which kept dragging him back towards the darkness. He remembered waking like this before - twice after a coma, and then again after being dosed with nerve gas. The feelings of déjà vu and unexplained urgency were enough to break him free of the lethargy and fight for the surface.
Cautiously blinking opening his eyes, he noticed gauzy shapes which moved in his peripheral vision. One light-colored form broke free and approached him.
“Agent Gibbs? Can you hear me?”
Snatches of what had happened filtered through his mind. The Chimera, the Russians, the bomb.
“DiNozzo,” he croaked through chapped lips as he tried to clear his eyes to look about.
“Agent DiNozzo is in the bed next to you. I’m Doctor Brock. I’ll need to do some acuity tests with you.”
“He okay?” Gibbs carefully enunciated around a too thick tongue as the doctor, fully gowned and masked, came into focus in front of him.
“He’s still unconscious, but stable. He has some minor burns and he aspirated some water before the divers got to him, but I’ve already conferenced in with Dr Pitt upon the advice of your Dr Mallard.”
“Where’s Ducky?”
“He is on board. We have you in Isolation due to the contaminants, Agent Gibbs.”
“What happened?”
“Here, have a few ice chips,” the doctor offered as a nurse quietly slipped one into Gibbs’ mouth with a spoon. Gibbs savored the cool sensation as the doctor explained, “Whatever that device you discovered was, it emitted an unidentified form of energy. It set the alarms off on the ‘Hawk but they were unable to recognize it, and there doesn’t appear to be any latent radiation. You and Agent DiNozzo took part of the force of the blast before you hit the water. We’ve been treating you with prophylactic iodine and antibiotics but have been unable to isolate precisely what you were exposed to. How do you feel, Agent Gibbs?”
“The bomb went off?” He concentrated on the blur next to him, until it coalesced into the vague form of his Senior Field Agent. Gibbs blinked again, trying to clear his eyes and focus his attention on the doctor.
“Luckily, it didn’t actually explode, which our munitions people believe it was originally designed to do. Part of the mechanism failed, they believe due to the change of pressure from being hoisted from the sea floor and then jostled around on your launch. Whatever was in the canister inside it discharged.”
“How long have I been out?”
“Almost 7 hours. The blood tests have been inconclusive.”
“Was anyone else exposed?”
“Not as far as we can tell, but aside from the contact burns, we can’t find anything wrong with either of you. Most of your symptoms are due to being knocked unconscious by what the helo pilot described as a shock wave. Both of you aspirated quite a bit of water before the divers managed to get to you.”
Now that his eyes had finally cleared, Gibbs craned his neck to see Tony, who was propped on his side with a mask over his lower face. He could see what appeared to be a few irregular striations on his second’s exposed skin, but he looked otherwise normal.
“How badly was he burned?” he asked worriedly.
“They’re contact burns. As far as we can tell, they aren’t full thickness, but they cover most of his dorsum. What you see appears to be striped because his clothing protected him, but some areas of skin were against the cloth when he was burned, so those areas received more exposure.”
"Why is he still out? Has he awakened at all yet?”
“We followed the protocol Dr Pitt recommended. He advised that Agent DiNozzo might be somewhat sensitive to a couple of the medications, so it’s to be expected that he might sleep a bit longer.”
Gibbs frowned at the explanation, but his mind felt so muddled, he would let it go for now. Certain that his second appeared to be in good hands for the time being, and tired of fighting the lethargy constantly dragging at him, he settled into the pillows to rest.
He awoke sporadically over the course of the day, each time feeling a bit more alert, but unhappy to find Tony had yet to awaken. With some insistence, he had managed to convince the doctor to remove the IV and catheter, if only after drinking more water than he thought possible and peeing into a cup to please them. His demands to see his team or to speak with Director Shepherd fell on deaf ears, however, which only served to irritate him and heighten his suspicions about the entire FUBAR situation even more.
next chapter