I'm a University student currently trying to avoid as much academical - and other - work as possible. As students do. Mostly by means of the internet. And fanfiction. I'm a habitual lurker and particularly bad at replying to everything from entries to comments. Which does not mean I'm not interested, around or opinionated, but simply that I plan to comment later and then forget. It's probably nothing personal.
Besides procrastinating, there are a lot of other things I like. Food, friends & family, photography, music, shopping, reading & writing. I like to RP whenever a game takes my fancy. I like to start my posts with 'so' an awful lot. I like using the word 'totally' more often than is probably healthy. But most of all I like fandom. And fanfiction. I used to be in several small fandoms that were based in the Anime/Manga scene, so you might or might not have come across terrible works for Naruto, GitS, Casltevania, FE, WA3 and Dogs: Bullets&Carnage. Among others.
Then JE happened. And for a while it was my 'one in a million'! Or something like that.
Which basically means I like Yamapi. I like Yamapi with Jin, I like Yamapi with Ryo, I like Yamapi with Toma, or with anyone else besides Tegoshi, really. Mostly I just like Yamapi though. Then fandom died and I had to move on to greener pastures.
Or other pastures, anyway.
I have the unfortunate habit of shipping that one ship no one seems to like, preferably in a small fandom, and get somewhat obsessive about it. Or quietly cry about it in a corner. The current top spot is held by Covert Affairs (Auggie x Jai), though Spooks | MI-5 (Adam x Zaf) is a close second. If that means absolutely nothing to you, you've just helped me proof a point. Also, my love for spy shows might be showing. I also ship Mike x Neal (Code Black), if you want to get really obscure. My other great obsession are hot guys wielding swords and people traveling deep space. Or various combinations of the two, including but not limited to LotR, King Arthur, BBC's The Musketeers, Star Wars and Star Trek. Also, superheroes. And cop shows, good medical dramas, and Old West settings (If you haven't seen the Magnificent 7 tv show yet, you totally should). TV is my guilty pleasure, really.
Naturally there are a lot of things I dislike too.
But despite that I'm a pretty laid back kind of person and generally try not to disturb the greater peace of the Internetz. You know, unless you're doing something really really stupid.
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