Jun 22, 2004 22:57
Hey all, gettin late and figured i'd update before i went to bed, seeing as how i kinda haven't since i got back from Tennessee... guess i'll start there
Went to Tennessee last sunday, don't remember most of the 6 hour ride there.. stayed up the whole night before so i could sleep all the way there.. it worked pretty well, me and clark just got comfy in the back seat. got there 2 oclock-ish, met the councilor peoples, Dan and Denice, both of em ended up being really cool, played a couple name games so they would know everyones names. Ended up 'bunking' with Clark and Harry, grr.. i would get the only tent with 3 people in it.. probably better now that i look at it though, the mosquitos ate them up instead of me.. heh.. after we got stuff up a few of us went in search of big logs to put around the fire, we got em.. twas hell carrying them though, all waterlogged and stuff. but we got a nice campfire thing goin, didn't get the smore supplies till wednesday though.. think that's most of sunday...
Monday.. hm.. yeah i had breakfast duty that day.. wasn't too hard, just had to heat up some water, make coffee, and get the cereal/granola bars and whatnot out. After breakfast and our Devotionals we piled into the Van's and went off to Joni's house (person we were volunteering for) got there around 10, met her and her family, had a daughter and a son, Preston, little 2 or 3 year old bundle of energy and Brittany, goin from 5th to 6th grade, lovin that accent.. heh, and a neice, Whitney, she was goin into 8th or 9th.. never really figured that out.. had flaming red hair, kinda cute.. and their neighbor was usually over there, kid about Brittany's age named Wayne... that was everybody i do believe, first thing we did was take the gutters down, then get up on the roof, got all the shingles off and some siding and studs up that first day.. think we may have gotten some tar paper on too, don't remember exactly..
mm.. it's gettin a wee bit late, so i'ma head off to bed, i'll finish this all up tomorrow before i forget everything that happened..
but before i leave, the past 2 days i spent almost all of with Sarah, and wow... yeah wow, i love her so much, got there about 8:30, didn't sleep till 8 or so the next morning when we accidentally fell asleep for 2 hours... and nuna that stuff, lot of other people there and we watched movies, talked with Danielle a fair amount... and yes, Yay for wallace and Gromit, been awhile since i watched those..
kk.. eyelids gettin heavy, haven't slept alot in the past few days, i'm audi.