last night this morning (4AMish) I was driving home from my routine friday night drunken stupor. my co-pilot for the journey was ryan. obviously i'd had a few drinks and it doesn't take aristotle to say that I was over the legal driving limit. naturally (I say naturally because it's a big conspiracy), I came to a RBT (random breath test), you know police with breathalyzer's. this is what I remember:
*driving along watching 3 lanes turn in to 1..
kovacs: oh fuck me
*punches ryan
kovacs: wake up, look at this shit
ryan: huh eh oh zzz
*punches again
kovacs: fuck you, wake up
*follows all road rules, slows down to 40, greets blue cap
kovacs: hey mate, how you going?
officer: good thanks mate
officer: this is just a breath test, i'll get you to blow in to the breathalyzer
kovacs: no worries
*blows into machine, registers a result almost instantly
*looks around
*officer frowns
officer: can I see what type of license you have mate
kovacs: sure, just a sec
*pulls wallet out of back pocket, hands to officer
*officer pulls out his torch, shines it on my license
officer: i'd advise you head straight home
kovacs: thanks mate
*drives off, waves to other police, almost hits cones
last time something like this happened - I got waved through
so i'm pretty much the luckiest person I know.