Sep 08, 2009 16:09
I haven't posted in a while but I figured since today has sucked ass, I might as well whine like the little girl I am for a while.
So this morning I woke up at 6AM (that's three hours earlier then necessary) and saw a text from my friend, I assumed Chas sent it to me on accidently (again) so I got upset, posted a FB status and went to bed.
I then started to have awful dreams where everyone leaves me. I knew saw Chas and I fighting and she ditching me (one of my big fears with people) and I become a loner. I wake up, very paranoid and upset. I then can't eat, and find out I missed my bus to school. I got up, get dressed and decide I can't go to school in the mental breakdown state I am in. I then realize it was my other friend who sent it to me and not Chas. I become a bit better and catch the later bus to class.
I get to class, and the same smelly guy in a wheel chair is still stalking me. He tried to follow me into the bathroom, I then forgot to take notes for Chris who is having sugury done on his foot. A this point in the midday, I am starving and bored. I forgot all my books at my dorm and had to pay for lunch at school. I get my ice cream and head over to the other side of campus. I then make it to my other class.
At the break, I try and eat my ice cream which has ended up melting, my phone hardly got reception so I couldn't talk to my mom about an important issue. I then got out of class early and had to run to the flipping bus and barely made it. I ran in flip flops and got shin splints.
I then see a message from a new friend and got all happy until I read it... I now see I have hurt one of my new friends feelings. I never meant to and now I feel like shit again. My brain is just blah and I have no idea when to start my writing back up again because I feel like crap. It seems like today has been sucking in the 'people' department....-____-
I am still paranoid about Chas and feel sick to my stomach, I am still very bored and should go smother my self with a pillow....