A woman's worth

Jan 12, 2009 09:56

This probably one of the worst, hardest, most impossible, and most extreme changes
that I'm going to start in my life...


Ok, ok, I know that I don't have a penis (but Miggy thinks I have xD!), but I'm not talking
about a physiological feature. To be a woman is more than just have bubbies and a big derrière,
it's about to know your body, your whishes and dreams, your feelings and emotions, your likes
and dislikes, what you really want for your life..., to know your soul.

One of the first things that a woman should do is to visit a good gynecologist or a (matrona).
Why? because it is important to know how your body works and how to take care of it, in order
to avoid diseases, an unwanted pregnancy (if you don't want to have children yet), etc. the idea
is to gather the necessary information to give to your body the treatment that it really requires.

Secondly, to write all your dreams and future plans that you have, then FIGHT FOR THEM!!! ò_ó
Ok, don't interpret it like your going to punch every woman that interposes in your way, please.
You have to use the best qualities that you have wisely. This is a crontroversial issue (especially
for me, I have to admit it U.U), because it is not easy for everybody to apreciate the different
virtues and abilities that each of us have. In my case, at least, I don't usually see the good
things that I have or the different achievements that i've done during these 22 years of my short
life. Now I think that I'm taking into account of them, and they are giving me the strength to take new
challenges that are coming.

Thirdly, you have to consider your feelings and emotions. This is a very interesting part of our lives.
Most of our decisions are taken based on them, so we need to know what we feel and how we react in
different situations. If we know our feelings and emotions, we can control them in order to make good
decisions and not ruin, for instance, our plans of conquest, or the opportunity to get a job or lose it.

Do I want to go with him to see that action film? Do I like this t-shirt or I choose the one that my
friends are telling me to take? I always said yes to almot everything, eventhough I didn't like something
or I didn't want to do it. Why? because I wanted to be kind with everyone, but at the end I felt unhappy!
Buy, eat, see what you really want, only because you like it! While you don't hurt anybody (including yourself) it is Ok.

Finally, Do not sacrifice yourself for a man that you barely know. It is usual that when we want to catch the atention of that "special man", we give the best of ourselves to him. That is not the point. Don't make
him the core of your life. YOU are the core, and no one else. The thing is that you live WITH someone NOT THROUGH someone. Don't lose your own identity, all the way around ENHACE it!

I've been thinking about all these points during the last period of the 2008 and the beginning of the 2009. The latest events showed me that I needed to take a decision about my current life. So I realized that I
was still the little girl who made the same mistakes over and over again without learning from her past.
Now it is time for me, it is time to make MY OWN decisions, it is time to Make my life INTERESTING and
joyful, it is time to take risks (good ones of course ^.^) and if I fail, try again! I know it is not an
easy job, I know that I'm going to fail, cry, and be hurt many times, but the thing is not to give up.
I have to trust my abilities and intelligence, and apreciate the fact that... I'm a WOMAN.

* The tile is taken from the Alicia Keys' song called A woman's worth from the album Songs in A minor.


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