Reality has just sunk in a few seconds ago. I'm screwed. Screwed inside out, upside down. Fucking, fucking screwed.
O level E maths in less than 16 hours. I'm not confident AT ALL. Nope, not one bit. I feel like I have not prepared enough and I'm so freaking scared now.
If I don't pass, my parents are going to slaughter me alive........
I'm gonna scream and probably kill myself if I don't get at least an A2..... For real. My parents expect me to get an A1/2, but of course I want to get too, but I DIDN'T EVEN PASS O LEVEL E MATHS DURING PRELIMS. I FAILED BOTH PAPERS.
Fuck. I'm fucking screwed. T.T I really don't want to take next year. Please.
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