Apr 10, 2004 22:44
This just in:
Final Fantasy X-2 is a COCKTEASE.
You do NOT need 100% completion to get the perfect ending. I did it with 98% last weekend, and saw all kinds of awesomeness flying around~ And then I went to look up spoilers on the "Perfect" ending, and IT WAS THE SAME THING.
100% completion is a FALLACY.
And I wasted 75 hours of my life discovering that.
And am almost tempted to waste another 75 with that whole "new game plus" option. :O
Damn you, PS2, you cheeky little minx~
EDIT: I'm an idiot. Read more in-depth spoilers, and apparently the ~perfect~ ending is the kickass ending with a retarded, non-motion exposition scene tacked on the end. Oh well. In no hurry to give a shit about that. xD