Title: The Awful Edges Where You End And I Begin
postcardmystery Fandom: Hanna Is Not A Boy’s Name
Pairing: Worth/Lamont, Lamont/Worth, (I thought I'd put that the right way around, in case anyone cared).
Rating: NC-17, but vague and violent.
Word Count: 1200
Warnings: self harm. Generally vicious and bloody.
Summary: Lamont and Worth have lived their lives linked but separate, something always driving them apart.
Disclaimer: HiNaBN belongs to Tessa Stone, I'm only borrowing.
A/N: I blame
dire_redux heavily for this. She knows why. And I love her for it, all the more. Title from the Ludo song
The Horror Of Our Love. I don't know, I though it fit, for some reason. Also, first thing for this fandom, I'm a little scared...
Here at my journal.