so i come out of my terrible stalking/lurking habit (nervously twitching while doing so) because i have something i want to share.....
short introduction first, yes? i came across hanna is not a boy's name one day a few months ago while browsing da intarwebz (deviantart at the time).... and it was love at first sight. i read every current page in one day. been indulging myself in fanart and fic since then (when i gots the time off work yanno). i love pretty much every character and pairing possible because i'm a whore that way.
what i have to share is something i hope no one else has shared. i searched all previous posts pertaining to Conrad and couldn't find it, so.....
or maybe i'm the only one who thinks this fella resembles Connie? anyway.... i found this random video on youtube that looked relatively interesting..... this band is called Gary Go and the song is Wonderful. i personally don't care for the music, but this GUY. i don't even......
also... i am seriously glad i found this comic and fandom. i love eveything you guys are doing and hope to come up with something valid to contribute in the near future! <3