Oh boy boy boy boy boy....

Dec 24, 2009 15:09

Oh, brother.
It's been a really long time since my last entry here. To think the first thing I've ever posted can be traced back to 2007... Can you believe that?
Man I've become so much older. It sucks.
(Not really... But still.)

Maybe dumber, too?

Anyways... Err.
A really good friend told me that if she had read that journal before knowing me, she would have hated my guts out.
And honestly, I think I'd have, too.
Past me sucked. Present me hates past me. Maybe future me will hate both present me and past me, who knows.
But right now I'm glad.
Because even though most of the stuff written here is laughable and despicable, it's still the only, faint (and stupid) trace of who I was before... Who I was before that time.
(In all likelihood meh boy.)

Funny thing being... Even though I don't remember who I was, I remember how I felt. 
How come I can recall something as volatile as feelings? Not even feelings but... Oh damn. Don't you guys have words to describe that?

(Yes, one thing hasn't changed: I still need to work out my english... And that reminds me: Shoo.
Odd word, really.

And that.... Was present me. Who is going to be 19.

aka the poor hina who doesn't want to be, present me, shoo.

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