Let's meet Ootani n' Auri

Oct 18, 2007 08:24

I was planing on seeing Yuya during the 10 A.M. pause, but then I came across Auri, Kana n' Kotani.
Err... I call him Kotani in my mind because he looks like that dude from Love.Com (Lovely Complex), Ootani,
Who's small (1.12 feet) but cute and... A-anyway.
So as he's Ootani's exact replica, I call him like that. Even though he's a little taller than 1.12 feet.
(Hey, I'd knew it if he was my height.)
(Funny thing about Love.com. Yuya's as tall as Koizumi and I'm as tall as Ootani. XD)
So I stayed with Auri and co, because I love to be with them. (It's not a reason I know XD)
Hum... Looks like Kotani has the same tastes as me when it's up to music. He's more and more similar to Ootani.
Damn. XD I should stop thinking about animes and video games when I'm at school.
At least he knows the Klaxons. XD
It's hard to find people with things in common nowadays.
I also went to Auri's place.
And I met her mother. She's great. I kinda love that type of parents. You know, the ones who
see you as an adult, not as a child, and with who you can joke, not feel awkward.
Ponpom's mum is like that, too.
My mum is err... I think she hasn't realize I'm not her dear daughter anymore.
She should have though, since when she kicks me, I kick her in return, instead of letting her smacking me
again n' again.
Don't misunderstand.
I'm not proud of what I've done. I know I'm wrong, and I know I should show her some respect but...
How could I possibly do so when she acts like a little kid?
Anyway, let's go back to Auri's story.
Her home is huge! And so clean. I can't stop thinking mine is a pigsty compared to it.
I'd be ashamed if people, apart Yuya and Ponpom, saw it.

Oh! Have you seen the next Tales of on Wii?
It's apparently a succession of Tales of Symphonia...
He he he ^_^
(I'm always happy when it's about video games... I'm a real geek sometimes. XD)
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