Feb 06, 2006 21:02
So, um I recently got turned onto Lost even though when I tried to watch an episode once in the middle of the first season and thought it was stupid, when I started from the beginning... lets just say its like crack to me now. The point of this is not to let you all know that I have an addiction but rather to analyze an interesting phenomenon. So this show about 40 some-odd folks stuck on this island after a plane crashes and yet there is still an element of romance heavily present. WHY IS THAT? I mean, I enjoy it, but COME ON! they're freaking castaways stuck on this island they should be too busy worrying about survival and getting off the freaking island to be forming little romances, BESIDES, like the pool there is limited, things go to shit and you're certainly going to have to see eachother and there aren't going to be that many other folks to choose from, especially since all this romance is going on between the core group of about um 10 ppl.
Now you're saying "gees, estrella, there are way bigger issues with that show, like the fact that they all seem to have lots of clothing in their size, even lots of maternity clothing even though most of them supposedly never found their stuff, and the guys all have about as much facial hair as when they got there 2 months ago (im in the middle of the first season), shanon's life-threatening asthma went away after 1 treatment of eucalyptus, all their lives are seemingly intertwined, ETC ETC ETC, why take issue with the romances? if you're going to watch you're going to have to suspend disbelief." Basically I'm not taking issue with it, it increases my viewing pleasure. What I'm questioning is WHY that is. Why does practically everything we watch (i actually might not hesitant to say everything) have to have this romance element to it? why do we all love to watch it even if we claim we don't? (we must all love it or it wouldn't still be there) This isn't even a "sex sells" thing because there isn't really any sex. Its all very PG. Just a thought. Anyway, I'm going to try and do homework now rather than give in to my network-enabled addiction.