Aug 23, 2005 12:32
days have been real niceee. fast, but great. from the crazy surprise visit at 12am on my bday, to the endless amounts of partying- turning 20 has been a great ride. not to mention, very random with strippers & flyers & the "waxmunkiez" party & yah. not fond of birthdays- or more like celebrating my very own, but its always a good excuse to be around the people you cherish, not that there really should be an excuse to get everyone together but yeah. if birthdays get the loved ones together, then may we all have many MORE bdays to come. my family is great and so are my friends. i dont understand why people put "true" before "friends" because naturally all people you call friends are true. its only automatic, right? everyone else should just be called acquaintances or people- [i.e random fcuks on myspace]. the word friendship is thrown around lightly nowadays, like it holds no value. maybe thats why it seems so much easier to fcuk up on each other. whatever the case is, i have great people in my life. so cheers to you. and you. and you. & definitely you. everyone else- wellllll, i bet you are a great friend to other kids so cheers to you as well. just because.
this week has been nonstop studying for my last final. stupid calc exam nearly killed me. i knew knew i had the will to study that long and that hard. then orientation which lasted the whole day which was kinda stupid considering most of the time i was a loner walking around doing absolutely nothing but being lost & sweaty & hungry. that campus is a joke, geez. they're lying to u when they say "university" of los angeles. my ass, what they are really tryin to say is the "CITY" of los angeles. goshdamn, that place is huge. i saw students using skateboards & scooters. hello no. ima buy a bike. scooters will wear me out and skateboards? ya right, like i wanna kill myself. so its a done deal, ima buy a bike with a cute basket & a horn. cute basket for my books & horn so i can warn any pedestrians i might trample on.
orientation was the only day ive been excited about goin to school. now im back to my apathetic stage. or maybe im just tryin to hide that im SCARED moving & going to school other than valley college. that campus, i literally could walk back & forth.. in like 15 minute which isnt very big considering i walk verry verrry slow. so. hmm. one more month of partying & buuullshit til the dreaded/fun day when school starts.
im sad that some people are moving back to where they go to school at. in a fairytale world, i would have all of us go to the same school & live close enough to each other that we could walk or at least take our bikes to each others place. hell no, id have us living with each other cause half of them, id prollie end up shooting. so yah. but it would be nice to be around the people i love more. life is too precious to be wasting it on frivolous things. which also means ima need to start cutting things from my life that i dont necessarily need.
so heres to cutting & preserving the best that life has to offer.
funny thing about faith. i USE to think of it in amounts like either you have a lot of it or very little. ive recently changed my perspective on it. its really this- you either have it or you dont.
have it.