I’m back. Return of the LJ Mack. The prodigal son has returned (I don’t even know what ‘prodigal’ means). It’s OK if people gave up on this thing. I would understand.
I hate gray areas. I’m a black or white kind of guy (I miss Michael Jackson). I’m either all or nothing (I don’t miss O-Town). So when I hit gray areas in major parts of my life, the last thing I want to do is something so trivial like updating a livejournal. But the gray areas are temporary. They’re a process that will end in black or white, and so it’s time to update again. Plus my Big Three conference readers (lance, jus, and marc) have reached a boiling point in harassment, to where I now have to do something.
One gray area is work. All my roommates (Julius included) got new jobs and LOVE them. I’m damn proud of them. One reason why I love my roommates is that, whether they know it or not, they always push my lazy and complacent ass to do more. Their persistence and success in finding jobs they truly enjoy have lit a fire under my career search’s ass.
The LJ has a new look. Just like the Chargers. The only strong opinion I have about the new uni's is they SHOULD NOT HAVE TOUCHED the powder blue throwbacks. And the new logo makes me want to go to Sea World:
UCLA is in the Sweet 16. Not as exciting cause I had my Final Four cherry popped last year, but still great. What’s making this year special is the UNLV’s and USC’s who no one thought would ever be here back in November. Of course I think USC can go to hell, but I’ll admit it’s nice to see 2 LA schools still in the hunt. And it’s pleasant to see Marc excited for a team that’s not a bandwagon for once.
The scariest thing to happen recently was Nanay getting sick. She’s better now and hopefully stronger for it. And I hope I can say the same about everyone in the family. A few of those days have definitely left lasting changes on my cousins and me.
I don’t have any cool events to update about. 2 weeks ago I was so sick that I took my ass to the doctor finally. I feel fine now but I have a lot of symptoms that won’t go away. So I’ve committed myself to being MIA for a while now and refuse to come out until I can hold a conversation in a loud room without having to cough up mucous and swallow it back down again to finish what I’m saying.
In my harry-like hermitness, I’ve been watching a lot of NBC.com lately. I watched all the Heroes episodes cause my roommates are crazy for it. Terrible acting, cheesy writing, but REALLY good story development. Now I’m caught up in Friday Night Lights. Great acting, great lines, disappointing football scenes, but everything else makes up for it. The only show I’m keeping up with on TV is 24, which for sure is quickest hour to go by during the whole week.
I’m reading more now too. I finished the Five People You Meet in Heaven. My thoughts are very similar to Lance’s so you can read his journal for a more detailed opinion. Plus it’s hard to enjoy a book about Heaven if you don’t even think you qualify as a Christian anymore. Now I’m almost done with The Tippint Point by Malcolm Caldwell. Borrowed it from Gordon, and it’s really good for anyone interested in advertising.
My only mildly social moments have been going out to dinner or coffee. The Euro girls and Rosey came up last week to visit Eileen, and I represented for PTK. It was insightful. Last night I threw a pizza night for Saxon since I’ll never be able to cook a nice dinner for my friends. And I’ve been missing everyone and they mama’s birthdays. I’m sorry Phyllis and Jo!
I have a shitty memory so that’s all I can recall from the last month and a half or so. And some things are just better to be left out and said at other times in other situations.
On deck: Another weekend and week of R&R&R (rest and relaxation and RECOVERY). Then it’s down to SD for quality family time. I’m looking forward to it.
Then it’s Week 1 of Spring Quarter for me. Yup, I’m a student again. In my previously mentioned quest to find what I really want to do in life, I signed up for an ad creating class at UCLA Extension (basically night school for people out of college). I really have no idea what to expect except to come out with a better understanding of what I can and can’t do.
What I do know is that “clear eyes, full hearts, CAN’T LOSE!”
I think I remember JoBig quoting that in his journal in the fall. It gets me pumped when they do it on Friday Night Lights. And it’s much easier to remember than lean mean agile but mostly hostile highly motivated motivated motivated ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I don’t know how the Charger defense does it.
-- CREDITS: This entry has been brought to you by another painstakingly slow day of Sean at work.