How long have you been a fan of the HIMYM-verse? since it started airing. Do you plan on participating in at least one challenge a week to every other week? yes.
First team choice: Team Robin Second team choice: Team Lily and Marshall Third team choice: Team Barney
How long have you been a fan of the HIMYM-verse? since it started airing.
Do you plan on participating in at least one challenge a week to every other week? yes.
First team choice: Team Robin
Second team choice: Team Lily and Marshall
Third team choice: Team Barney
open]. We have open mod positions! Please join this comm, your team comm and
the social comm!
Charmed, charmedland
Ghost Whisperer, gwhispererland
Gilmore Girls, ggirlsland
Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice, greysland
Harry Potter, hpotterland
Heroes, heroesland
House, housemdland
How I Met Your Mother, himymland
Stargate Atlantis/SG-1/Universe, stargateland
Twilight, forksland
Vampire Diaries, vampdland
Again, welcome!
Basically, the main question is how much time you'll be able to devote as mod?
I'll send a invite to my mod comm =)
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