Consequences - Chapter 34

Feb 19, 2013 06:26

Hi, guys :)

So sorry it's taken so long to get this update up.
I've had a lot of family/personal issues that have made things
difficult, but things seem to be settling down now. :) Hope you enjoy this chapter, let me know what you think!!


Previous chapters here

Title: Consequences
Beta: currently none :P
Pairing: Ted/Barney
Rating: NC-17
Warnings (highlight to read): violence, dom/sub, dub-con, dark!ted, other dark, disturbing themes yet to be decided ;)
Summary: Barney is desperate to get Ted to forgive him for sleeping with Robin -- so desperate that he's willing to do anything. Of course, when he makes that promise, he has no idea how far Ted intends to take it.

They’d made it clear enough times, hadn’t they? They didn’t even know why they were friends with him at all half the time - so why would Marshall of all people choose to take his side over Ted’s?
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