
Jul 19, 2011 22:19

Title: Childhood

Summary: What if Ted, Marshall, Lily, Barney, and Robin were childhood friends?

Pairing: Brotp

Genre: AU /Fluff

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: Everything that happens in this is fictional. I do not claim rights to the characters nor do I imply that this is how they are and that this is what the plot is in the show. I will be happy to take down this story upon asking.

A/N: This will be in three, maybe four, parts. This is the first part. There is obviously no romance in this part as they are in kindergarten, but it has a lot of friendship. Brotp is endgame though. I have the second part written, which will be Middle school, and I have yet to write the third part, which will be high school. I don't know what a fourth part would be. Please enjoy and review! :) X posted to

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Link to my journal!

pairing: barney/robin

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