Fic: Turn! Turn! Turn! (1/16)

Feb 25, 2011 19:14

Title: Turn! Turn! Turn!
Chapter: Prologue: To Every Thing There Is a Season
Fandom/Characters/Pairings: HIMYM, ensemble, Ted/Mother, Barney/Robin, Marshall/Lily, and many others along the way
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1758
Beta: The amazing, incredible, supermegafoxyawesomehot girlthethird
Spoilers: In this part, just for 6.01 "Big Days," but other pieces of season six are present if you look for them.

Summary: Ted is about to meet the love of his life, but what came before this moment is just as important.

Author's note: So msmanuscript made a prompt request a billion years ago at himym_ficprompt, to use Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 as inspiration. I wrote a bit here and a bit there for the next year and a half, and then there was a SIGN. I mean, a real sign: in "Big Days," the church's marquee displayed the first verse. And here we are!
Author's note part 2: This fic is not about religion. In case you were wondering.
Author's note part 3: The Byrd's famous cover of Pete Seeger's song, "Turn! Turn! Turn!", which uses Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 as lyrics, is worth a listen.

( If anyone ever asks him to be their best man again, Ted needs Lily to make him remember this moment before allowing him to respond.)

pairing: lily/marshall, pairing: barney/robin, character: ensemble, character: ted, pairing: ted/the mother

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