I am an emotional lunatic...just sayin..

Apr 02, 2012 05:00

seriously this last month has been nuts..I cry at everything and it's starting to really bother me >.> I cried during happy feet two 8 times for no real reason :| I've just been like that recently T^T

also my mom is going to the hosp tomorrow..or later today since it's 5 am >.> she's got something going on with her kidneys again so I'm making her go..she gets kidney stones so I'm hoping thats what it is..once when I was 15 she got so sick that her kidneys started to shut down and ever since then I've been sort of a freak about it..oh it wasn't the kidney stones that made her sick that time it was something else..the point is she waits until last second to go see what it is..like she was 3 days away from dying that time..anyways pretty sure it's kidney stones but I want to make sure for obvious reasons *sigh*


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