Here's the signup form!
Please include:
Lj username:
Be as specific or as broad as you'd like. These can be something specific like "ShinnxLunamaria romance/fluff. Taking place after phase fifty with her reuniting with Meyrin as one of the focuses." Or it can be something as broad as "Piece about Neville." It's up to you. Please make sure to mention the series your request comes from. Also, please note anything you'd like to not be in your fic at all costs. "I would like the Neville piece to not be romance." Please request at least three fics or pieces of art but no more than four. List your requests by priority of what you'd like most. You can request more than one piece per fandom. Check the
user info for potential fandoms. Do not make a request for a fandom not listed in the userinfo.
NOTE: I'm going to keep the
fandom post open for any new participants that might come along. As such, if there's something you want to request that is not in the userinfo interests, you may want to wait until closer to the signup deadline to see if it gets added. Then if it does, submit your request for that fandom. You can ALWAYS modify your requests as long as you do so before the signup deadline on the twentieth.
Willing to Write/Draw:
This is where you put the fandoms you're willing to write or draw. I'd also take this chance to specify the pairings/genre you'd be up to doing as well. List EVERY fandom you'd be willing to do.
Can't Write/Not Comfortable Writing/Drawing:
And here is where you list what you won't write. There's no need to list fandoms here, because I won't pull any fandom that isn't on your "willing to write" list. You do not need to be super-specific here. It can be "no smut," just as easily as it can be "no Tosh/Owen smut." Either is fine. You could even say "I won't do HP dark!fic unless it's these/this characters," or whatever.
Can you do fic, art or both?:
Sample Form:
(Err... this isn't my actual form. xp )
Name: Kelly
Lj username:
haroEmail Address: @
1- GermanyxItaly- light fluff taking place during modern times (Hetalia)
2- Hermione and Luna platonic fic. No romance, can take place any time before or after canon. (Harry Potter)
3- Rose and Donna- Alternate Universe after Turn Left. The time machine doesn't work and Rose and Donna have to find a way to break out of the scarab's universe another way. No ships but Ten/Rose or Donna/Rose if you want to try it. (Doctor Who)
Willing to Write:
Avatar: The Last Airbender (No Azula. Anything else is fine.)
Harry Potter (No studentxteacher- no non-canon)
Phoenix Wright (No angst)
Fullmetal Alchemist (Mangaverse only)
Can't Write/Not Comfortable:
-Smut (except for Hetalia)
-Dark!fic (general angst is fine, but I like at least a hopeful ending.)
-Pairings with large age gaps.
Can you do fic, art or both?:
Fic and art. I would prefer to do fic, but could do art if needed.
So here goes-
Lj username:
Willing to Write:
Can't Write/Not Comfortable:
Can you do fic, art or both?:
Just reply to this post with all that information. Comments are screened. YOU MUST GET YOUR FORMS IN BY OCTOBER TWENTIETH!
You may also still sign up even if you did not reply to the previous post.