Today is the last day of posting for
himitsu_santa, so I imagine we're all working on finishing up our assignments, right? ;)
Anyway, I'm not picky about time zones. Just make sure your assignment is posted before you go to bed.
These are the people that still need to post:
pot_of_coffee I'll take you off once you've posted! I can't really be doing long extensions this year. If something big comes up and you can't finish by tonight, please let me know. If you need something small like a one day extension because you're waiting for a beta or you're just polishing something off, let me know.
But last year I offered lengthier extensions, and because of that, by the time I got around to sending pinch hits, it was too late and the pinch hitters were all too busy.
I really can't allow that to happen this year. Everyone will receive a gift, and that's very important. Thank you!