Title: A Not-So-Silent Night (Part 1 of 2)
Written for:
abareroFandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Request written: Japan invites America and England over during their Christmas season. Please include Japanese traditions (like KFC!) and have America+Japan BFFness. Can have Greece/Japan if the author wants, but it is not necessary. No pairings (even in mention/past-reference) outside US/UK and Greece/Japan please.
Rating: PG
Summary: Japan invites America and England over to his and Greece's place for the Christmas holidays. Cake and chicken are devoured, gifts and mistletoe exchanged, and a jolly good time is had by all.
Notes: This fill ended up being super-long, running over 6,000 words for this part alone, so I decided to split it into two parts, this one about the Christmas Eve incidents. The second part should be up in a day or two. Merry Christmas,
abarero, and I hope you enjoy reading this part!
Edit: Apologies, but I was informed by someone that I may have screwed up majorly in writing this fill, so I'm taking it down to look over it again and find a beta before the deadline because I don't want to give my recipent a crappy gift. I'll put the link back up here when I've revised it.