Title: A Little Green Monster
Pairing: YatChii with Kamiki in a GANTZ-like appearance *yay, no sense xD*
Notes: Giri-giri safe~ once again xD Random because my brain is not working properly, gomeeeeeeen~! A random night out between the lovers 8D And yay suspicious xDDD
Summary: And they call it jealousy, that little green monster. No, not that
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Comments 11
Yatsuiko was leaning on Chinen's shoulder, and Chinen smiled and opened his arms so she was now in his embrace. BLASPHEMY. UNREAL. WHAT. I AM NOT TOUCHY-FEELY.
Yatsuiko doesn't notice and continues flailing over the TV screen. THIS ONE I CAN IMAGINE. CLEARLY. LOL. It will happen XD It's Kamiki after all XD
Chinen starts to protest but Yatsuiko puts a finger to his lips.
I'm the guy hoho I'm the guy XDDD CHINEN Y SO CUTE.
I'm so OOC LOL. But it's still cute XD I love jealous Chinen XD
I'm guessing I can't be so ~kilig~ because Chinen vs. Kamiki... would turn out really~ bad~ haha. Let's stray away from Kamiki please XD
AND OH LOL. CHINEN THINKS I'LL BE JEALOUS OF UMIKA?! I'll squeal too XD I'm crazy that way.
Imagine Chinen as your Loves. Okay. There. But sorry for OOC-ness TT^TT
THIS IS SO YOU. Until recently, so I am not complaining :3
You requested this xD
Chinen is always cute xD
Sorry for OOC-ness TT^TT And jealous Chinen is a sight to behold xD
Haha gomen, you requested this, I tried my best xD
HAHAHA he apparently forgets the fact that you flail over your matches xDDD
WOW THAT WORKS. Imagining him as loves *o* That deserves its own fic. /writes
Oh I requested? I'm sorry -_-" It seems like I wished for something impossible.
HAHA YES. I'll say "Do you like Mirai~? How about Yuya~?" XD
I LOVE JEALOUS!CHII! Plus the poking cheeks part is soooo cuuute! :"> HAYLABEEET!
Kawaii deshou~? Thanks for liking it Kaichou 8D
"Ne, what's so good about Kamiki-kun that you keep flailing over him so hard?" he asks, VERY CALMLY.
"Well, he's a very good actor even if sometimes he get scary roles. He still has that aura about him that is very much him, whatever role he plays. He's so cute when it comes to intervies, especially during the time he was shooting [Tantei Gakuen Q]. He's a voice actor for a lot of my favorite movies from Ghibli. And the list goes on♥~" Yatsuiko answered, complete with hands clasped before her and kira-kira eyes. Enough to get a full-on tantrum from him if she was anyone else. Instead he just grumbled beneath his breath in frustration.
"What's so good about him... besides, Kamiki-kun has Mirai-chan already," he mumbles in an undertone.
OMG THIS IS SO LOVELY~~~ <333 i want moar hohoh~ Ohno fans unite! XD tss so Yacchan is being..a two-timer/?! :DD
oh and then the moment where Kamiki-kun is mentioned,,there's this name that always come along with it XD a special mention haha!!
this line is...$()#()_@) <33
"But Yuri-kun is the ( ... )
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