Lol, I got so fed up with all this drama going on that I haven't posted in forever, mostly because I thought I would just rant and rave and that's not very fun to read, is it?
Although, I was totally right. I should have stayed away. Because guess what I came here to do today?
Seriously...DBSK's lawsuit, GD's plagarism case, Jay's issue, Kangin's issue....I'm so tired of RL Korean drama...><
I could rant about Jay, but I did that enough with my friends here...but now I'm pissed about Kangin and no one is around at the moment.
It was actually kind of funny when the case first came out, cause my first immediate reaction was "GTFO OF KANGIN ROAR~!!!!! " I felt so protective, lol. My SuJu bias is....quite large. Then as things progressed I became increasingly irate, and this whole thing strikes me in a place that's different from where Jay's situation hit me, but I feel just as strongly.
Because seriously, just because someone's a celebrity doesn't mean they should be unable to defend themselves if people come after them. And why are people being picky about what Kangin said about the fight? Saying he was not involved only means he did not start it or participate willingly, right? Well isn't that what happened? Self-defense shouldn't cost someone their spot on a television show.
I think about what if this were my brother or cousin or friend, and then I almost want to cry. Isn't that stupid? But it's like....if my brother were famous, but some drunk guys went after him for no good reason, and then everyone condemned him because he protected himself...I would be so furious and filled with contempt for society that I don't know what I would say or do. Or what if he didn't protect himself and he was in the hospital? I would be so worried and upset....
So who the hell cares if he defended himself? The netizens who spout all this nonsense are the ones on the end of the spectrum who hate super junior or Kangin, and no matter what they're not going to be compassionate enough or understanding enough to be rational at all. Which makes me furious because I can't stand people like that. But at the same time I feel very annoyed with myself for getting so angry, because I know I can't do anything and my anger doesn't affect people like that anyway.
I just feel a lot of sympathy towards these boys who have to put up with the media running their lives.
So, anyway. It probably made me more upset than I should be because I was already in a bad mood before hand.
In other, non korean-related news, life generally sucks. :P I hate crushing on impossible boys, and I hate freaking out about school, and I hate freaking out about money. And my parents never tell me anything about anyone so I always end up finding out about important things after the fact. Like my mother having a stroke. Thanks a lot, guys.
Can I just quit school, go to Japan, get married, and have babies? Korea will only work if it's Shiwon. Half-korean christian babies would be adorable. <3 Lol, I'm in a crazy mood.