Tegomass no Seishun Blu-Ray

Jun 22, 2015 16:30

Hello ;)

I'm here today to share an awesome concert :) As I didn't found it uploaded mush on LJ, I choose to rip and upload my limited edition of the Blu-Ray :)

Of course, some rules that all of you should already know :)
1. Do not share nor re-upload these videos
2. Do not share the download links nor the keys outside this entry.
3. Do not ( Read more... )

♥ Tegomass, ♥ NEWS

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khiyori June 22 2015, 21:18:45 UTC

Thank you so much for sharing ♡♥♡♥


himitsu_17 June 24 2015, 12:09:54 UTC
Thanks for commenting :3

Nee, how do you do the empty heart ? Is there a keyboard shortcut ? I know the ♥ full one but not the other ^^


khiyori June 24 2015, 12:22:48 UTC

You're welcome (≧▽≦)/
Yeah ther is Its name is "Go keyboard"
I use it in my phone ♡


himitsu_17 June 24 2015, 12:29:06 UTC
Oooh I see ~ I'll check then ! Thank you !

Btw, I added you back ♥ I don't think I'll share more videos (I get my copy way to late for it to be useful) but if you wanna fangirl together I'm there :)


khiyori June 24 2015, 12:37:11 UTC

Thank you! It's okay like fangirilng journals xD because of that I add you in the first place :')


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