(no subject)

Dec 08, 2008 21:51

Ville cursed himself as he walked down the deserted street alone. He didn’t want to go to Bam’s and he didn’t want to go home either. He didn’t know where he was walking and didn’t care. Eventually he ended up in front of July’s house. Letting out a sigh, he stopped and starred at her window. The light was on and he could see her silhouette moving around; it looked like she was painting. He pulled out his phone and dialed her number. She went for her phone and ignored his call, then threw her phone on the bed. He sighed and called her again, but she didn’t even bother looking at her phone.

“Come on July," he sighed irritated, then grabbed a hand full of pebbles, and walked underneath her window. He tossed the pebbles one by one until he didn’t have any left.

“I know you are in there,” he hollered up at her. Her curtains stirred, then her window flung open.

“What the hell do you want!”

“I’m sorry,” he placed his hand over his heart. “Please forgive me.”

July pulled her head back in and slammed her window. He ran back to the street and grabbed another hand full of rocks.

“July!” he yelled. When he got no response he tossed the handful toward her window making multi-tinking noises. She flung the window open.

“Go home!”

“Not until you talk to me,” He yelled back.

“I don’t want to talk to you”

“Well I have a billion rocks down here, so I can throw them all night.”

“You’re a bastard. Go home.” She shut her window again and turned her light off.

“Fuckin hard headed ass.” He sighed then climbed over her fence and up onto the roof to sit outside her window.

“July” he tapped on the window. “Please open up.” When he got nothing he sighed, “You leave me no choice” and began singing Wicked Game at the top of his lungs.

“What the fuck,” July jolted out of bed.

“Go home!”

He only sang louder to drown out her yelling. She laid back in bed and pulled the covers and pillows over her head.

“L is for the way you look at me. O is for the only one I see.” He started to sing loud and off key.

“You have to be kidding me” July laughed in irritation. About an hour later July finally fell asleep, and Ville stopped singing. He cupped his hands around his eyes and looked through her window. He saw she was sound asleep. Sighing, he took his jacket off to place under his head so he could go to sleep under her window on the roof.

The morning sun woke Ville up first. He peered through her window and saw she was still sleeping, so he called her phone waking her up. She didn’t answer so Ville piped back up again.

“One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever know.”

“Valo! Go home!” she yelled getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom. She went down stairs to eat breakfast when she saw Lester sitting at the kitchen table.

“Did that boy spend all night outside of you window singing.”

“I guess. I fell asleep.” She answered digging through the cabinet.

“Are you two not getting along anymore?”

“He pissed me off.” She pulled out some Oreos, and headed up stairs.

“You only have a month left, don’t be too hard on him,” Lester hollered as she walked up the stairs. She walked in her room shutting the door then sat on her bed debating what to do. Glancing over her shoulder she saw Ville’s shadow moving around outside. She saw that he was finally climbing off of the roof.

“Thank God,” She mumbled and picked up the phone to call Bam.

“Hello,” he answered.

“Do you know what your friend did?” She blurted.

“Valo, yeah he told me.”

“Oh no,” She laughed. “He stayed the night outside of my damned window singing at the top of his lungs.”

“What” Bam laughed.

“Yeah. He pissed me off so bad.”

“He feels really bad about what happened. You know he didn’t mean it. Maybe you two need to talk and make things ok before you leave.” Bam suggested.

“I don’t even want to talk to him.” She shoved an Oreo in her mouth.

“Well that’s him calling me so I’d better let you go,” Bam said looking at his phone.

“Ok, later” She hung up.

The day slowly went by, and there was no sign of Ville and July was happy for that, until she saw him climbing back over her fence. This time he had a couple of drinks and some food along with his guitar.

“Are you fuckin serious” She sighed. Facing the window July sat on her bed finishing the Oreos. Ville looked through and saw she was looking at him.

“Hey you open the window.” He tapped on it. July rolled her eyes and took her trash back down stairs.

“Hey, No wait! Come back!” He yelled knocking on her window. Ville opened a coke and a bag of chips and began strumming on his guitar.

“My heart’s a grave yard baby, and to evil we make love, on our passion’s killing floor. In my arms you wont sleep safely, And of lust we are reborn, on our passion's killing floor.” He sang and strummed along.

“Only you would do something like this.” She laughed to herself. Evening fell and Ville still had songs to play and sing. July heard thunderclouds rumbling in the distance and saw that rain was on its way. Surly he wont stay out there, she thought to herself. She got up and headed toward the shower.

“You idiot. Its about to rain. Go home” She yelled to him before she walked out of her room. Sure enough when she got back to her room Ville was still sitting out side drenched in water, still playing his guitar.

“For God sakes Valo,” She flung the window open and yanked him inside, letting him fall to the floor. “Are fucking out of your mind? Are you trying to get sick?” She didn’t let him answer before she left to the bathroom to get a towel. “Take your clothes off” She told him throwing him the towel. He obeyed and stripped down to nothing and wrapped a towel around himself. She took his clothes down stairs and put them in the dryer. When she got back to her room he was sitting on the side of her bed with the towel around his waist. He patted the spot beside him and she sat down.

“July, I love you. I love you more than life itself. I never meant to hurt your feelings. I’m so sorry. It just finally hit me you were leaving, and I know I know you’ve said time and time again you were leaving; I just didn’t know time would come so soon. I shouldn’t have said those things to you and I’m sorry.” He looked at her with puppy eyes.

She tried to hide a smile but was unsuccessful. Ville smiled and pulled her body to his and held on to her as tight as he could. They began kissing and got lost in each other realizing they were going to have their first make up sex. Before they knew it they were lying side by side panting trying to catch their breath.

“We should fight more often,” Ville teased.

“You can sleep outside if you want,” July teased back. He held on to her like he never wanted to let go. He was now counting the days until his heart would be ripped from his chest, but it was true what he said, He’d rather know what it was like loving her and she leave than not ever knowing at all.
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