Feb 06, 2004 01:41
Okay- so The Shub got an LJ... and thus, I am re-inspired to post, 'cuz, if not--I'd just be lame.
Life is simulataneously very busy and very uneventful at the moment. Courseload seems fairly easy (not as easy as my friends who underloaded... but it can't be helped given that a year ago this semester I got 2 units for grinding ink and writing characters like "heiwa" for 2 hours a week. Except for the premonition of assiness in this massively long Heat Transfer assignment I had due last Wednesday. 6 problems, 9 double-sided pages, 15 hours... and the best part is that I hafta pass that class to graduate, SO no matter how nasty it gets I hafta hang in there. Argh, spite-- I was actually accused of being a mechie engineer the other day at kenpo practice!! I was like >O.o<*
Oh- it's so true what they say... "Success is the best revenge" The other day I saw a guy that I hadn't seen for about two years, who I'd had a major crush on--but he was kinda an asshole about it, and an asshole in general, actually. Anyways... when I saw him last-- I was of the opinion that I never wanted to see him again, but last Friday it was so worth it-- 'cuz he turned FUGLY in that interim. I was like "dayum--the rest of you finally turned to match your personality" and was very smug at this... as the last two years have been kinder to me =) Plus, now I look back and know what I ain't missing ^.~* *chu*
So, the Shorinji kenpo club(s) I'm going to lately are doing a demonstration on Sunday, and I agreed to join them. This has caused kind of a stress on me--for while my part is minor, it requires memorizing 4 more forms (Tenchiken 3-6) in three weeks which might not seem like a lot, until you realize that I've spent the last 10 months learning Tenchiken 1 and 2... but I figure that I'm in the back row and as long as I get the motions in the right direction at the right time, it should be OK.... right? Even if I'm totally off in my strength and footwork and all the stuff that is actually important.
I've actually been coming to more and more kenpo realizations lately. The beautiful thing about martial arts is that every now and then you get a glimpse of the true depth and meaning of every motion. Learning repetitive motions seems like the waves of the ocean... every time one comes in you soak in a bit more, and work with that until the next wave comes your way. I understand why the senior members don't mind spending half of practice on "basics"... because I think I could spend my whole life on them and still be learning more. Maybe I'm just easily amused... maybe I'm just naieve... but in that case, I'm happy being the way I am.
Lol-- just washed some dishes and ended up talking with my sophmores and their friend Steve. I made sure Steve knew how to tie a proper knot for sewing on a button... then as we made fun of him he came back with: "I just can't sew--I can change the oil in a plane, I can fix houses, I can fix boobies with a kiss..." and then Emily and I make eye-contact, *knowing* that was supposed to be "boo-boo's".... and he just couldn't figure out what was so funny. Maybe sophmores don't have their minds in the gutter quite as much as me, but really- that's a pretty massive slip, don't you think???? ^.~*
Oh, and then they started discussing the horror of turning 20...
I'm old, so, so old