Nov 06, 2003 02:45
*squishles Nemo plush toy* -- The few hours I've spent in my bed lately have been shared with Nemo, waii!!! so cute and orange and squishable!
I'm well aware that I'm quite a dork... but this was pointed out to me several times as I waited in line opening night for the newest Matrix and studied for my materials exam. (prob. nothing to sweat or I'd not have gone, but still needs to be done) I even continued during the pre-previews by the light of my spiffy LED keychain flashlight. Hmm, I could count how many "dork-isms" were in those last 2 sentences, but I'll refrain ^.~* Although the reviews were lukewarm at best, I really enjoyed the movie. The effects were over-the-top as always, and it was fairly predictable--but the music was sorta funky and fun, and the action scenes were good w/o going on as long as in the last one. In short- I conclude that I've been getting in touch with my inner-cheeseball lately, 'cuz I really did like the movie. I'm usually only a fan of angst-ridden depressing epics (or cuddly sea creatures). Perhaps there's hope yet.
Just waiting for the water to filter to I can finish changing Himiko's water (it was getting rather scruddy). Then sleep! au revoir