Oct 15, 2003 01:52
Just had a long day, but it sorta marked the end of the hell. These last two weeks, and couple of days in particular, have been full of sleep-deprived hectic-ness. Never mind that I didn't eat all day ._.;; So I just inhaled a bowl of cereal and I feel kinda "gebleh". I get to sleep soon, but I'm letting the day wind down. Still need to finish the clinic proposal and e-lab 5 by break. But I'm going to Vegas for break, yay!! I don't particularly like Las Vegas, actually--I don't gamble, and the seediness gets to one after awhile. But we're gonna hit the outlet mall on the way over (shopping!!), it's cheap, it's fairly close but not too much, and most important of all, it's not Mudd. Oh- and now that I'm 21 we'll get to hit up "Studio 54" which I hear is a pretty damn f*ing awesome club.
Towards the end of my day- around 11:30 tonight I was finishing up Electronics lab 4 with Renee... and I looked up. There, attached to the beam right above our lab station (station 1) was the yellow and orange pipe-cleaner sun that I made once upon a time. That goes back about a year and a half ago to when I worked at school over the summer. One afternoon I didn't have anything to do, so I helped out some of the stockroom guys (I don't remember who except for Andy M.) to build this pseudo-waterfall for a seminar thing one of our profs was doing. (PEPS: a 1-week E4 for HS teachers) It was a mountain of tarp, spray paint, tubing, sand, real plants and pipe-cleaner animals. (Removing all the equipment of course, given this is the electronics lab) The lump was topped by my cheerful sun, but I'm pretty sure that I didn't attach it up that high in the beams. So I was totally "WTF!?!?" Funny how some memories just come back to you when you least expect it. Of course that is the most sun I get per day these days ^.~*
Karma moment! I know my stories like these are usually bad karma kicking people in the ass (aka Andrei, karma-boy.... "I won! I won!! hahah, take that!" *thwacks into lamp*) But today I have a good one! Last night I was showered and really tired, about to go to sleep. But one of my classmates hadn't gotten a hw problem, so I put off my bed and explained it. Others gave me hella help, and he's a cutie, so I didn't really mind--but it was one of those "the how is obvious, the why isn't" problems, and he mentioned a few things and I was all "oh- so that's why you do it like that". In class people get randomly selected to present problems and answer questions--sure enough today I got picked for that problem. So when I got questions as to the "why" I was able to be "oh, well clearly blah-blah..." Whereas if I'd let it be, I'd have more clearly followed the "uh..." approach. Hahahah, yay me!