Jul 25, 2003 23:44
Had a walk down memory lane lately with my sis, watching "Labyrinth" after we picked up the CD soundtrack to it for super cheap at Tower (I had actually bought the DVD at Wal*Mart a year or two back) Despite me knowing that it *should* not be a good movie, I can't help still liking it after all these years >.>;; Which also brings me to the conclusion that I should've been born about a decade earlier, and hence have been a teen in the 80's... instead of being too young then to appreciate them then. I mean, what notable events did we have in the 90's? Rodney King? OJ Simpson? Clinton impeachment? Milli Vanilli? riiiiight-o
In other news- I programmed my phone to ring the Indiana Jones theme!! Not a huge accomplishment, I know... but it was fun nevertheless. Sorta annoying that I couldn't do anything besides half, quarter, and whole notes- so the tempo is a tad off, but it's still recognizable. I started playing Ragnarok Online. I was totally amazed that my computer could handle it (it *is* quite new, not even a year old, but I've never had a computer able to run those sorts of fancy games) I'm not so much into the online-gaming-circles or whatever, I just think it's fun to hack and slash at little glops of jell-o and frogs.