Love's Requiem: Chapter Two

Oct 12, 2011 17:01

Title: Love's Requiem
Author: runbabyrun69
Pairing: Ville/OFC
Rating: PG - PG 13, I guess.
Summary: I'm bad with summaries. There's a girl, a boy, and a bunch of Finnish rockers XD
Disclaimer: Still don't know, still don't own, never happened. I only own the original characters.
Warnings: Swearing?
Authors Notes: I got a new CD today (Devils - The 69 Eyes) and a new book (Shakespeare's Sonnets) so I am in a FABULOUS mood and decided to post the next chapter while I'm in this good mood. That way I won't be all "Aw, I bet no one likes my story". /ahem. Again, excuse any spelling or grammatical errors, I still don't have a Beta, and I'm kinda doing this in a rush today ^-^ Anyway, on with the chapter!

Previous Chapter: 
Chapter One

Chapter Two

~Ville POV~

“Wake up, Rakohammas!”

I grunted as Mikko, the bands bass player and my close friend pounced onto my bed, bouncing up and down on the spring mattress.

“Wake up, wake up, wake up! We must leave for that interview soon!”

“Ugh, fuck off, Mige.” I grumbled.

“Nuh-uh, Ville. Wake up!”

“I am awake, idiootti. And stop calling me that.” I rubbed at my eyes and glared over my shoulder at my friend who was grinning at me, straddling my back. “Get off, I need to move.” He flopped off me and lay on the other side of the bed as I rolled onto my back to get more comfortable.

“You look like death warmed up, Ville,”

“I feel like death warmed up. How much did I drink last night?”

“I lost count,” he said dismissively. “To be honest, we all kind of lost track of you after you hid in the corner, scribbling in your notebook for half an hour. Did someone have a fun day, yesterday?” the older man winked at me.

“No,” I grumbled, slipping my head under my pillow.

“Hmm. Where’d you get your inspiration from, then? I haven’t seen you write like that in a while. Was it the clovers? Inspirational buggers.”


“When Lin’ and I were dragging you to bed last night you kept mumbling something about the clovers,”

“Oh. I made a clover necklace yesterday.”

“Uhh... what for?” Mige looked thoroughly confused.

“It’s Spring,” I smiled at the memory.

Shaking his head, Mige sat up on the bed and shook his head at me. “You drink too much. Come; shower, food, coffee. We have to leave for the interview in an hour.” Moving towards the end of the bed, he grabbed onto my blankets and ripped them from my bed.

“Asshole. What if I had been naked?” I sat up and glared at him, wrapping my arms around my bare torso and shivering at the cold air that replaced the comforting warmth of my blankets.

“Nothing I haven’t seen before. Now, move before I throw you in the shower myself. Meet us in the cafe on the corner when you’re done and we’ll have coffee before we leave.”

I grumbled obscenities under my breath as I trudged towards the bathroom, leaving Mige to show himself out.

After showering quickly and brushing my teeth to remove the horrid stale cigarette taste from my mouth, I rummaged through my luggage in search of something suitable to wear. Finally deciding on a long sleeve black shirt and a pair of black leather pants, I outlined my eyes with black eyeliner, threw on my beaten up black converses and grabbed my satchel. I quickly stopped by the dresser to pick up a clover from one of Jetta’s necklaces and slid it behind my ear before heading out the door to meet the others at the cafe.
I didn’t know who else would be there - only Mige and I were attending the interview today. Linde still felt a little uncomfortable being quizzed on anything and everything, so Seppo decided that our first few interviews for the tour would generally only involve myself and Mige, occasionally Zoltan.

All of the guys were already at the cafe when I arrived - I guess they didn’t drink as much as I had the previous night. I slid into the booth next to Linde, a cup of strong black coffee already sitting in front of me.

“Good morning, Rakohammas,” Linde said softly. “Are you feeling okay?”

“I’m fine, Lin’. How are you?”

“I’m well. Are you nervous?”

“About what?” I frowned.

“The interview, of course.”

“Oh. Not really, it’ll be just like every other interview, I expect. ‘What was the inspiration for this album?’ ‘Are you happy with the turn outs for your gigs?’ ‘Any new girls in your life?’ The usual. Then they’ll show our newest video, tell us how much they loved the new album, and we’ll be on our way,” I shrugged. “Where’s the gig tomorrow night?”

“We don’t really know,” Zoltan piped up. “Some club around the corner, I think.”

“Smoking?” I enquired.

“Of course,” Mige and Linde rolled their eyes at me.

Thank god. I hated when we were booked in at non-smoking venue. I felt naked on stage without a cigarette between my fingers.
We made idle chatter for a few minutes until Seppo rolled into the cafe and motioned for Mige and me to join him outside where a taxi awaited to take us to the studio for what felt like the hundredth interview this month.

After we had been rushed through the studio into a makeshift lounge room set where the interview was to be held, Seppo quickly addressed us.
“Does everybody know what they are to say?”

I rolled my eyes. He did this every time. As we were still an “up-and-coming” band, Seppo insisted that we must be careful with the answers we give so as not to discourage or offend any potential listeners. I thought it was bull shit. If people have a problem with anything that we say, they are free to ignore us. I didn’t care. I’m in this to show people my music, possibly influence a few people along the way as my idols influenced me. Plenty of people disagree with many of Ozzy’s antics and quotes, and he still has a huge fan base.

“Yes, Seppo. If you quiz me on this one more time, I will not be held responsible for pouring this water over you,” I motioned towards the bottles of water systematically placed in front of Mige and myself. I would’ve preferred a beer.

“Oh, hush Ville,” Mige elbowed me in the ribs.

“Okay, okay.” Seppo mumbled as he walked off set and took a seat near the back of the room to observe.

Now, I like to think of myself as a pretty decent judge of character. I can usually always tell if I will get along with someone within the first few minutes of meeting them. The moment the interviewer strutted onto the set, I felt a wave of discomfort wash over me. He has this smug look printed on his face during the whole interview, as if he couldn’t stop thinking about how much better than everyone else he was. He is the most arrogant person I have ever had to associate with. Normally I wouldn’t condone ‘judging a book by its cover’, but in this case I was more than willing to make an exception.


After the interview was over and Mige was off chatting up some assistant behind the cameras, the interviewer beelined towards me.
“Valo, I’m Jason.” He stuck his arm out in front of me. I shook his hand firmly, holding my head high, not allowing myself to become intimidated by the snobbish, condescending smirk on his face.

“I know. Pleased to meet you.”

“Likewise. Look, I’ll keep this brief. I’m having a party tonight, for my girlfriend, you know” he winked sleazily at me. The poor girl. “I enjoyed your album, I want you guys to make an appearance, maybe play a song or two.”

My brow furrowed. Ugh, I didn’t want to spend any more time around this guy than I had to. “You’d have to talk to our manager, Seppo. I’m not sure where he...”

“I already spoke to him,” he cut me off. “He said it’s fine, no prior engagements. He just wanted me to double check with you guys first.”
I’d have to remember to thank Seppo later. Salt in his coffee, perhaps?

“Uhh, sure. I guess. Where is this party?”

He handed me a business card with an address scrawled on the back in messy handwriting. “Party starts at eight, come earlier if you have anything you need to set up. See you there, bud.”

I forced a smile as he sauntered away. Great. Well, if it’s a party, at least I’d be able to get smashed.

ville valo, ville, valo/oc, valo/ofc

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