Hold me

Aug 03, 2011 19:50

 Lol, so I decided to share this story in here.

Title: Hold me

Rating: I'm going to say PG-13 (Teen) for not so useful description. Go wank yourself somewhere else.

Pairing: Vilvey (VIlle Valo + Davey Havok = Vilvey)

Disclaimer: This is a work of complete fiction. I do not own Ville Valo or Davey Havok, their music, make up, tattoos, pants or anything belongig to them. Never happened, I only own the story plot.

Summary: Two men spent a night together.

A/N: Badfic, this was my first one. Lots of clichés. One person called this as erotic comedy and my nickname for the story is Vilvey erotemy.

Check out the story

ville valo, valo/surprise, ville

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