Afraid to Feel

Jan 01, 2011 06:42

Title: Afraid to feel

Rating: Rated PG-13 going a little bit to R eventually, I think.

Pairing: Ville/OFC

Disclaimer: This is a work of complete fiction. I do not own Ville Valo, his music, his band or his band mates and their families.

Summary:  Ville Valo is not a good man. At least that is what Elina has come to understand. He is a killer, but her problem is that he is too wonderful to hate! (Not my best summary, but it’ll have to do for now)

AN: It's about time!

Chapter 10: Quality time

Bands were in and out of the Mansion all year long, and for the time Elina had been there it was no exception. However, four months after being force to live in the Mansion, the young woman was finally going to face the human personification of her worst nightmare, who casually could be the devil in disguise.  And to Elina that made perfect sense. Wasn’t the Devil supposed to be the incarnation of temptation? What woman in the third rock from the sun could not be tempted by such a man as Ville Valo?

Elina herself used to be one of them, or at least that is what she had been trying to tell herself ever since the news of Ville’s return reached her. And with those news came also Manna, with a stern look on her face that showed Elina that she wasn’t going to take any bullshit. Without a word the singer beckoned the younger woman to follow her. Though she had no idea of what was going on, Elina did as told. It was with great uncertainly that Elina had allowed Manna to help her dress, and it all had gone great just until Elina saw herself in the mirror. The kicking and screaming had started then, and Manna had to call for some help to get the woman to calm down. So, with a face that showed pure rage, Elina stood; Mr. Stalker’s arms around her shoulders tightly to keep her from moving.

She tried to enter again a stage of struggling but, Mr. Stalker was too strong for her.  Not to mention that as the seconds slowly went by, Elina felt as if all life was leaving her. “What the hell is this?”

With a stare filled to the brim with annoyance, Manna turned to look at her friend.  “Can’t you see? A simple dress.” Manna answered before going around picking up the make-up products that were scattered with Elina’s outburst.  At that moment the definition of ‘simple’ left Elina.  In what world did wearing a dress like hers would be considered simple? (AN: To see the dress follow the link down there, now ↓). She felt ridiculous with all that lace, and all that puffiness Gothic Lolita she had trying to ignore when her friend Lucy got infected with it a couple of years ago, back where they were in Junior High.

“In what planet is this simple?” The younger woman demanded to know. “Manna, why the fuck do I have to wear this crap?” Elina said waiving around the fabric she could grab of her skirt seeing as her arms were trapped.

Manna hid the bottom half of her face behind her hand as she regarded Elina’s appearance, and braced her ears just in case. She now beckoned to Mr. Stalker, and with a nod from him, the trio began to move toward a place that Elina wanted never to enter.  Though they were only half way there, Elina had the slight apprehension, but she said nothing regarding that topic. Instead, she voiced her last question, to which Manna answered, trepidation hitting her hard.  “Ville’s orders.” She said and turned to look at Elina.

She saw Elina boil in anger as Mr. Stalker led her to the corridor that lead to a soon to be awful place for the woman. To Manna’s announcement, Elina handled the news of who had chosen her clothes quite civilized. “Well, you run along and tell Mr. Valo that he can shove his orders up his ass!”

Eyes bulging out like saucers, Manna ran forward and placed her hand over Elina’s mouth, looking to her sides for any sort of prying ears or eyes. “Watch what you say! The walls have ears you know, and there is no telling on who they will give their secrets.” When Manna removed her hand, she saw as both Elina, and Mr. Stalker raised their eyes to see if they saw someone spying.

Then, both returned to stare at Manna, with a skeptic look in their eyes. “Okay Manna, that was fucking freaky. Anyway, why are you making me get dressed and stuff?” Elina asked with an edge in her words.

“Because Ville wants you pretty.”

“Where is His Infernal Majesty?”

“In his room, waiting for you.” At the mention of his room, Elina remembered one of the many conversations she had had with Kirsi and Paula. All regarding Mr. Valo, and none of those conversations were good.

Without a word being spoken, and the fact that Mr. Stalker’s grip had loosen on her, Elina made an attempt at running the opposite direction. She got a couple of feet away, but she had no luck. As she ran, she suddenly felt the fabric around her neck stretch to the back as if someone was holding it. Elina was jacked backwards, however instead of landing on the ground; a pair of arms stopped her fall, and quickly resumed to prevent her moving. “Let me GO! I don’t want to go! Please Mr. Stalker, I’ll do anything, just let me go.”

“I’ve told you before; my name is Juuso not Mr. Stalker.” Said the man as he pushed pass Manna to finally rid himself of the annoying woman if it was only for the shortest of moments. Quietly, the singer followed; interested in what would be Elina’s answer, for when it came to talking to Mr. Stalker Elina had no fear whatsoever; which was interesting to Manna since he had been the one that kidnapped Elina and herself once upon a time.

“Well is not my fault you were stalking me.” As Manna thought, Elina’s witty reply was worth the wait and the danger it put her in. Even though Manna had learn that Mr. Stalker wasn’t all that bad and was a bit of a goofball with his friends, she knew that like even Ville, he was not a man to be taken lightly. But as Manna thought about it, so was Elina. Elina was a woman not to be recon with, and it brought great joy to Manna to know that Ville would have a very hard time breaking Elina’s spirit. He could do many things to her, physically and mentally, but no matter what spiritually Elina would remain the same as she had always been. That gave Manna an insane amount of relief.

“Is not my fault either.” Mr. Stalker said annoyed that he had fallen into one of her meaningless word charades.

“But that’s your job, so let me go Juuso.” Elina’s skirt glided all around her as she was forced to walk down a corridor that would forever be incrusted into her memory. Even if at the moment she was not paying attention to any details, she was certain she already knew them by heart. And the door at the end of that corridor was getting bigger and bigger with every stride Mr. Stalker forced her to take forward.


Elina pouted. “What’s the point of telling me your name if using it won’t get you to help me?” Though she was in a tight situation, Elina’s eyes couldn’t helped but bounce playfully, as she regarded the stoic expression Mr. Stalker/Juuso placed over his body to shield himself from the woman he was ordered to watch over.

“Oh sod off.” He said.

Struggling Elina was deposited in front of Ville’s room. As Elina stared at the door, it gave her Goosebumps. The door emanated such an eerie wave of energy that frightened Elina a tad. “I hate you, Mr. Stalker.” Elina muttered and then muttered again, this time to life in general. “I hate you with all my soul.”

Mr. Stalker opened the door and after a sympathetic look from Manna, Elina was pushed inside the room, right into the mouth of the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

“Hello sweetheart.”

It was clear to her body that Elina would never be able to get over those two words; they racked all her sensed bare. All strength she might had hoped to have was gone down the drain once she heard those words; once she felt those eyes she had seen in pictures so many times stare at her with a determination that confused her.

The man that had caused so much grief to her stood in the middle of his room, clearly interrupted on his waiting of her. Until her heart calmed, Elina refused to land her eyes on him, and made herself busy with looking at all the crap Ville had in his room. It was crap that didn’t go with the gothic decorum. There well all sorts of knickknacks, books, papers, and a couple of instruments lying around out of place, and it all annoyed her incredibly.  Too late did Elina notice that he had moved and she was surprised to look up to find him less than half a foot from her, regarding her clothes with great interests.

“You look lovely.” He said, one finger resting on his cheek as he checked her out. Elina got the impression that he would had circled her like prey had she not been clutching with dear life to the door on her back.

Elina had imagined how this meeting was going to occur many times, and so far she hadn’t started to act any of the scenarios she had thought would be best to deal with him. She had not intended to be so transfixed by the Finnish man’s beauty, and the fact that for a lot of years she had dreamt of being close to him in anyway.  Of course, those had been fan girl fantasies. At that second Elina thought she was done for, nothing was going like she wanted.  Every muscle in her body refused to move, and it was in slow motion that she saw how the hand Ville had on his face move, toward Elina, that’s when she snapped, forgetting the warnings she had received from Manna, some of the other women and from Ville himself.

The woman slapped Ville’s hand away, and then moved to land a blow. Ville looked surprised at first, but then came out of it as if he was a ninja. However, he was too tall for Elina to reach his face with the quickness that time had taken, so her punch landed against his chest, making him recoil some steps back, not before he grabbed her arm, twisting it around as he was forced to take the steps back.
Adrenaline made this twisting go unnoticed to Elina for some seconds. “I fucking hate you!” She yelled as she used her free arm to punch his chest with all the strength she could call forward. Both her arms were grabbed tightly by the man to prevent her from moving them, and it was then when she felt the pain in her arms. Elina struggled, but to no vain. Ville held on to her as she kicked, and pulled, and pushed, shaking her violently in the process. His face was set into a deadly serious frown, and with every passing moment that Elina struggled he grew madder and madder.

“Shut it!”He shouted, still shaking her body like it was a rag doll. “Shut it now!” One last time, he shook her violently. Elina could have sworn she felt her brain hit the back off her head with the movement.  “Shut it.” Ville repeated again, this time more calm as he had gotten her to stop her struggling. “You are acting like a petulant child.” Ville said once Elina had silenced all the noises she was making while resisting.

After speaking he remained silent, and Elina got the feeling he was giving her a chance to speak. Of course she took the chance. He was stronger than her, so her only chance to overpower him was catching him by surprise. Elina was so frustrated she felt tiered. “And you’re acting as if you were god!”

“Ah, sweetheart, but I am.” Ville said with a little smile, irking the woman greatly.  “I am ‘your’ god. Now follow me.” Elina resisted him for if he thought she was going to be submissive after what he said then he had another thing coming. Suddenly his grip around Elina’s arm tightened as his temper snapped. Before she knew it, Ville’s other hand had connected with her cheek. Elina closed her eyes, as her body registered the pain and the shock of being slapped again by Ville Valo. She heard him speak. “You are tiring my patience, girl.” He yanked her arm to indicate her to move and this time with some shaky steps, she followed him. With great trepidation, Elina followed him, and saw him sit on the chair of the desk he had in his room. With a look that scared the crap out of the young woman, Ville motion her to sit on his lap, to which after hesitating, Elina complied.

Ville spent a moment directing just how he wanted Elina to sit, all the while she felt like she wanted to crawl under a rock and, of course, die. She couldn’t believe this was actually happening.

“There we are nice and comfy, for now.” He said eying Elina again with admiration as she looked down to her hands trying to get her hair to fall over her face and to, most importantly, pretend like she wasn’t being force to sit on his lap. Ville noticed this and pushed her hair back, holding the auburn hair between his fingers with great awe. “You are quite beautiful.” He commented catching Elina glancing at him. Ville smiled and pulled Elina’s face up with his hand, so she would look at him in the eyes. It was then the first time that he had actually taken the time to look closely into her eyes, and it made Elina feel extremely queasy all over. “Very beautiful actually.”

“I hate you.”

Those three words didn’t seem to faze him as much as Elina would have liked. Though, he did let go of her face. “You already said that.” He commented, placing his hand on Elina’s thigh. The woman gritted her teeth. She just knew he was pushing her buttons. “How have you liked your stay here? I trust everybody has been treating you nicely, even though you aren’t the most submissive of women.” She remained quiet; glaring at his hand, for during he talked it had begun to move up and down her thigh. Ville moved his mouth to her ear, making her tense up more than she already was. “I could kill you, you know. Right now I should be torturing you for the little outburst you produced. However I do like your spunk. Makes me want to play with you until you break.”

“I hate you.” Elina said again, eager to get her point across.

Ville sighed very innocent like. “Do you insist on repeating yourself this much, love? I already know you hate me. With all your soul, am I correct?”

The fact that he was mocking her infuriated her even more so than his travelling hand.  She was annoyed by its movement so much that at that moment she would had rather have him slap her again than keep on touching her. There was something about his hand that was trying to tell her something. She knew that the fabric of her skirt was keeping her safe for the moment. Elina preferred to take her attention back to him. “How can you smile? How can you even live with yourself knowing that you have destroyed lives?”

His hand stopped for a moment, as he raised his face to think about his answer. “Is not as hard as you imagine.” He said, his eyes growing distant, giving Elina the impression that he wasn’t being completely truthful to her. Not that she cared, but then she did wonder. “Though, with time you will learn my ways.”

Elina’s face paled imagining of what she had read on the newspapers about the Rockstar Ritual, and the possibility that Ville in time would force her into killing. Fear griped her body just thinking about it. “I rather die.”

“Watch what you say, sweetheart. You are in the presence of a serial killer.”

His words made Elina raise her eyebrow, at the same time as she snorted, to which Ville gave a disapproving glance. Her mouth twisted into a frown that faintly resembled a smile. “And yet you flaunt it so irresponsibly.”

“What about it is irresponsible of me? Is not like you will have the chance to tell the authorities or if they’ll believe you.”

She closed her eyes, feeling like her world had turned into the biggest black hole in the universe, and its pleasure what ridding her of her freedom and happiness one small piece at a time. “I can’t believe I thought of you and your music were my god and salvation.” All that she had believe and learned from HIM were lies.

Ville’s eyes shone with glee as he heard her muttered words. “That’s sweet, Elina. But there is no need for you to say it in past tense. I am still your god, and my music will always be your salvation.” Ville replied stroking her face with too much tenderness that it made Elina what to vomit.

She looked away, trying with all her might to not let her emotions get a whole of her. Whenever she did Elina found torrents of tears cascading down her face with no chance of stopping. And she wasn’t about to let Ville see her in such a weak moment. Elina took a silent big breath, grateful that all the mumbo-jumbo of her dress showed barely any signs of her chest moving up and down.  “My real salvation is dead now.” Those words, though bitter, were oh so true.

His eyebrow moved upward as confused and left in the dark by her sour sounding words. “How do you figure?”

“You killed him.” Her emotion in control for now, Elina raised her head to stare into his eyes, surprising him with all the passion she had in her eyes. Her spirit and her strength continued to amaze him, it just bounced back ferociously.

Ville grunted realization finally hitting him. “Are you talking about that low class fiancée? I did you a favour when I set off that explosion.” He said as if it was no important matter, and for the most part it wasn’t to him. He had what he wanted now, and he didn’t care what he had to do to get Elina Anderson were she was at the moment.

Those worlds made Elina’s eyes widen. Adrenaline pushed her body into struggling again, but it wasn’t enough to get Ville to let go. “You sick bastard! Tommy was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I love him.”

“When referring to him you should use past tense. He is dead.” Ville said, glaring.

“I don’t fucking care! I will always love him.”

The man waved his hand in an impatient manner, as he spoke with great annoyance and a little smile. “Forget about him, love me instead.”

“Fuck no. I will never love you.”

“Isn’t that what they always say in those romantic comedies?”

Surprised by his reference, Elina had to do a double take to get herself to answer. “There isn’t anything remotely funny about me being kidnapped.”

“True, that’s why I don’t like comedies.” Confused by his reasoning, Elina almost didn’t see his face moving forward. Ville’s lips were inches away from meeting her when she pushed herself away by pushing against his chest. She almost fell back in the process, but though Ville wasn’t happy that she rejected him, he wasn’t going to let her run away from him either. He had used too much of his influence to get her at the Mansion and at his mercy to just let her rejection hurt or dishearten him.

“I hate you!”

Ville sighed frustrated, as his hands were once again preventing her from struggling. The man had even moved one of his legs upwards so it would rest between Elina’s legs to stop their rebellious kicking. He thought it would be best to move to the bed, but that quickly left his mind. Though he desired her to a great extent, Ville figured that that would only drive her into a more insane fit of struggling, and he was getting tired for the day. “At the moment I rather have your hate than not have anything at all.”

Stunned by his answer, Elina this time couldn’t stop that which was going to happen anyway. This time he did manage to meet her lips with his.

As his mouth rested on her Elina busied herself with trying to hurt him, she knew that kicking and screaming wouldn’t work or trying to hit him. Yelling was no use either, so by the time his mouth left her to give her time to get some air, Elina whimpered the only thing she thought best would hurt him and his ego.

“Tommy! Tommy!”

Mad and surprised by her nonviolent act, Ville suddenly pushed Elina off his lap, making her fall on the floor rather forcedly. Thought it didn’t matter to Elina that she had been surprised to find herself in midair heading to the ground with no Mr. Stalker to catch her; she had gotten what she wanted, although it made the tender subject of her dead fiancée hurt even more that it already did. “Forget about him, he’s nothing to you now.” The thought of using Tommy’s memory to save her, prevented Elina from smiling. She had bruised his ego, so that meant she had a weapon up her sleeve.

“That’s not true.” Elina said sitting on the floor.  “Tommy will always be my fiancé.”

Ville looked over to Elina; hating the fact that her face was showing the mourning she was going through. She was thinking of another man, and that got his anger boiling once again. He had gone through quite an ordeal to get her, and she was even rejecting him, but he wasn’t going to allow her to continue on thinking about a man other that himself. He stood and kneeled next to her, looking into her grey eyes with no emotions in his face. “In that case I will make him your ex-fiancée.”

The woman was almost afraid to question him. Even though, he was close to her, she didn’t move. His green eyes had trapped her, and she was too exhausted to even try to escape them.  “Wha, what do you mean?”

“I’ll take his place, Elina. I’m your new fiancée.” He said and then did as if he was giving it more thought. To which he then looked away and then back at her, amusement clear in his beautiful eyes as he regarded her with a tilt of his head. “Yeah, it’s settled. We are getting married in a month.”

Elina could only stare.


AN: And now I leave you to ponder that for the next, I don’t know, six weeks? Hopefully not. Wow, this is the longest I have ever taken to update . . . I so feel bad.  It’s just that this was my first semester in college, so I had to deal with the change, all the depression and the meaningless memories that aren’t worth remembering. But maybe it’s a good sign to start the New Year with a new chapter. So to compensate a bit all you had to wait since November 18, I made this a long chapter, and it has Ville on it! Hooray!!  I want to know how you liked Mr. Valo’s conversation with Elina, and to tell me if you think they have chemistry. Why? I don’t know. Things are going o start moving fast in the story, I think, and I want to know if I’m writing them right, so when the surprise comes you won’t be able to believe it. Did I say too much? Nah. So anyway, a late Happy Holidays from me, and have a good New Year filled HIM!! XOXO

PS: Didn’t check for errors. ;p Elina’s Dress

Previously: Part 2: Chapter 9

ville valo

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