My Mad Ville

May 13, 2010 10:48

Title: My Mad Ville

Paring: Ville and OFC

Rating: Rated PG-13

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Ville, Linde, Mige or the Mad Hatter. This story was the product of my overly active imagination and my love of not paying attention to class. This is a work of fiction.

Summary: How a Hatter makes an appearance and earns love.


It has been two months and four days since she has seen the Mad Hatter; furthermore she hated the thought of missing him. He had not only force her into his bed, but also he forced himself into her soft spot. Sure he was crazy, however when it was only the two of them, the Mad Hatter became Ville and they shared the most amazing and romantic moments she could had ever imagine having with a man. Cecilia needed to know him better.

The day the Mad Hatter was due to return, Cecilia stood with her youngest son, Johnny, who had managed to clime up the social classes of the Building. It only had been a short time. He had a friend with him, Samuel who all the while kept giving Cecilia a perverted gaze.

"Apparently, last night there was an infiltration at the basement." Said Samuel.

"That’s why Leader Lilly called back the convoy, mother. Mr. Smith said that it’s probably because he is worried about an invasion from the Newturks. He wants his strongest men here." Said Johnny anxiously.

The Newturks were a tribe of men and women from what was known to be Europe. The Hatter, the Leader, and some other used to be part of them, but there were leader conflicts between them, and they separated. Or so had the Mad Hatter said, he tended to lie to her some times.

They had been speaking of the secret occurrences that happened during the secret hours in The Building. The Common Room, or Lobby, as it was called when it was a hotel, was filled with bored people that looked for social companionship.


All heads in the room turned to the small box at the top corner of the room, as it communicated to everybody the boarding progress of the convoy’s return.

"I have to check on Mr. Smith. Excuse me mother." Johnny gave his mother a kiss on the cheek, nodded toward his friend and left. Cecilia couldn’t help feeling hopeless. She couldn’t help her son! All knew what Mr. Smith did with the good looking young men he got from the basement, and it pained her to know her son was being used by that dirty old man.

"Can I ask you something, Mrs. Austen?" Samuel asked getting closer to her.

Cecilia looked him over before she nodded. Samuel was about Johnny’s age and had gotten in this class the same way as Cecilia’s son, with the help of Mr. Smith. She hated that man even more than she hated the Hatter.

"Why do you have such a high position, when the rest of your family doesn’t?"

The boy was new in the Building; there was no doubt about that. Cecilia knew that her story was the juiciest gossip the inhabitants of the building liked to spread. "Oh, you must have heard the story by now." She said rather bored. Truth be told, she sometimes basked in the rumors, any woman of her time would love to have the reputation she had gotten over night. The rumors were as vast as the forests of Earth once were. From destroying an entire village in a day, to being a Sand Goddess, people had great imaginations. Cecilia was untouchable, though. No one wanted to be on the Mad Hatter’s death list.

The doors of the Common Room burst open and before anyone could enter, the entryway was crowded by the people eager to see the arrivals.

Standing on the tips of her toes, Cecilia saw a familiar top hat enter the room and unexpectantly, joy cursed through her. He was there! So close. She had never felt so lonely before. Just as she was to go meet with the Hatter, Samuel tightly grabbed her arm.

"Where are you going sweet mamma? I want to offer you something."

Cecilia wasn’t scared of him, if she could deal with the Mad Hatter, then this teenager was nothing to her. "Really?"

"Yeah, do you need a warm bed to sleep in tonight?" What happened to the bland guy her son had left her with?

"Will your master let you sleep with someone other than him?"

"Look, I don’t like men! I had no choice; the basement is not a good place for young men." Cecilia felt a period of pity, but not for Samuel. It was for her other son, who was still trapped down there with his father. Samuel seemed to forget what he said instantly.

"Come on, baby cakes. You know you want me."

"No thank you." Samuel pulled Cecilia to his body, holding her forcefully. There faces were inches apart, but she could already feel a certain part of him bulging out. "Boy, you need to get laid by a girl soon. Unfortunately for you, I’m already a woman and I don’t take boys!"

"Aww, come on Mrs. Austen, I know you’re all alone up there. There’s nothing wrong with some male companionship."

"I already have a male."

"A little bird told me, he left you alone and unsatisfied."

"Why you little piece of shit--" She wasn’t able to finish, because for a second she had no idea of what happened. As far as she knew, Samuel had leaned in for a kiss, but it never landed. Cecilia opened her eyes, and saw as a hand covered Samuel’s lower face. That hand was attached to an arm covered by a fabric she knew all to well. She could even see in detail the tattoos he had on his right arm.

"Get your dirty hands off my woman!"

Cecilia sighed in relief as she was release by Samuel, who in part was grabbed strongly from the face and then slammed back. She had thought everything would be alright now, but then, when the Hatter took his hand away from the teenager’s face, she noticed that her ‘savior’ had his blade pressed against Samuel’s throat.

The Mad Hatter smiled that big, creepy, trademark smile of his that could consume anyone in terror. And it was in fascinated terror, that around the trio, a circle of people watched how the events unfolded. One thing was for certain in everyone’s head; there will be blood, as much as the teenaged boy had in him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, didn’t anyone down at the basement ever tell you? Is not wise to play with other men’s toys without their consent."

"You’re the Mad Hatter, I-" Samuel tried to apologize, but the pressure on his skin with blade was increased.

"I don’t like to share my toys." Hatter said as if he was talking to himself, his accent thick with anger.

"I didn’t know." Samuel whispered, still as a rock.

Hatter laughed, very evil. "Hmph, like I care." Everybody saw as the Hatter’s arm moved to make the killing blow. Many gasped, but it was only one in particular that got the Mad Hatter to stop. He looked behind him, where Cecilia still stood. Now she had her hands over her mouth, and her eyes were wide open with fear. Their eyes meet and Cecilia saw for a split second Ville standing there, but then the Hatter was back.

He lowered his blade, which stick out of his crop and punched the teenager, drawing blood. Hatter pulled Cecilia to him in a possessive manner.

"She belongs to me!"

Without another word, he turned around, leading Cecilia out of the mess and leaving the crowd in a daze. He had left the boy to live. That was a first.

In the empty corridors leading to his room, Cecilia stopped walking. Her right hand and butt cheek hurt, in addition to the scare she had gotten earlier. She had two tattoos now. When the Hatter pulled her out of the Common Room, he forced her to get those tattoos as a reminder to her and a warning sign to anyone that she belonged to him.


"DON’T, God damn it Hatter, NO!" Cecilia yelled as she was forcefully placed on a chair. She tried to stand back up again to run away, however Hatter was very strong man.

"Shut up, Cecilia! It’s time people knew who you belong to. Now stop it!" He said putting more strength into restraining her. "Mige, what the fuck are you waiting for? DO IT!"

The tattoo artist had been surprised when the Mad Hatter arrived in his shop with his struggling woman, and was even more surprised now. He knew the Hatter since they were part of the Newturks, and the mad man had never let someone yell at him and live. He snapped out of his surprise, the utensils of his trade in hand, and he began to do what the Hatter had asks for he to do on her skin. Poor Cecilia, she was a cool chick, she didn’t deserve to be put trough this, however that wasn’t his to decide. He was lucky enough that the Hatter hadn’t killed him for being friends with his woman. Mige guess it was because the Hatter trusted him, they had a friendship of sorts.

"NO! Stop it! For the love of God, please, Mige DON’T!" Cecilia yelled trying to pull her hand away. "Aaaaa, it hurts! Fuck! Ah!" She screamed.


Now on her hand she had written in ink: ‘Property of the Mad Hatter’, beginning in her index finger and ending in her thumb. The other was the word ‘Mine’ on her butt cheek.

The Hatter stopped, waiting for her to continue. His anger had already cooled off, so he was patient.

"Why in my hand? Of all the fucking places, why there?" She demanded.

He smiled. "Because that’s the hand you wank me with."

"Pervert" Cecilia muttered after rolling her eyes. "I’ll have you know, I had things under control, back there. You didn’t need to make a show."

He walked to her, cupping her face with one of his pale hands as he continued to smile. "I highly doubt it, my love." Now back, Ville took her tattooed hand, kissing it over the bandaged, and then kisses her lips tenderly. "Did that boy hurt you?"

"You hurt me Ville!" She started walking, passing next to him. Her destination: his room.

With a sigh, he followed her.

"I am tired of all this!" Cecilia announce, almost running into his room.

Now in the privacy of Ville’s room, the man could stop all pretending. He took off his hat and jacket and placed his crop on a corner. He scratched the middle of his head, the hair not moving from its crazy, unruly places to the sides. Cecilia was stomping all over the room, so he stopped her with a delicate touch.

"Ceci, love, take it easy."

"I hate you." She said, but Ville knew it wasn’t the truth, not anymore.

"I know you do, come with me please." They sat on the bed. "Tell me what bothering you, other than me."

"Everything! What part of that don’t you understand? I had a wonderful life! Now I don’t know what’s true any longer. I hate this place. I hate the people here. I hate not being who I was. I hate being your toy!"

Ville, who normally had a fortress around his emotions, was on the edge of bursting into tears. He couldn’t take it when she was mad at him. He leaned his upper body over her lap, were he hid his face as the tears fell. "You are all I have left Cecilia. I can’t loose you now, if I do, I’ll loose what little sanity I have left! I love you!"

Cecilia combed his wild, dark hair into a more civilized style, even when she knew that in a matter of minutes it would be crazy again. He was crying! She could hear it in his voice. It made it really hard for her to hate him at the moment. He was just too wonderful when he was Ville and too interesting when he was the Mad Hatter. Yes, he was half crazy, but he was the kind of man, Cecilia used to dream she would fall in love with. Her grandfather used to tell her stories of men that had to a bit crazy for doing the deeds they did. His stories about heroes were infinite; men crossing oceans without a boat, looking for enchanted swords in big forests, and her favorite, rescuing princesses from man eating monsters. It was a platonic love she felt currently for Ville, but love is love and when Cecilia loves, she loves.

"I love you too, my Mad Ville."


AN: I think I’m going to write another chapter for this, however that will be the end for The Mad Hatter/Ville fic.

Previously (in chronological order):
The Beginning  A Nigh with the Mad Hatter

ville valo

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