(no subject)

Feb 15, 2010 23:38

Title: Yours
Pairing: Ville and OFC
Rating: PG - PG-13 for now.
Summary: A woman wakes from a five year coma only to learn that she has a husband and daughter she doesn’t remember.
Disclaimer: Apparently it's illegal to own people, but I do own a couple characters and some of the basic plot line.
Authors Notes: I'm so, so sorry for not updating sooner. I've had bronchitis from hell and it wouldn't go away. Thank you everyone who commented on the last chapter, sorry I wasn't able to reply to them, but I will this time. Promise!

Previous Chapters

Mikko was long gone, having taken the pink ribbons and bows with him, his hair tucked back under his hoodie and Angel was in bed, having just fallen asleep with her arms wrapped around a giant pink teddy bear when Ville walked into the bedroom to find his wife climbing onto the bed with one of her journals in hand. Lately all she’d been doing before bed was read the leather bound handwritten books. As far as he knew all she had done today was read them. Well, aside from helping Angel torture Mige.

Ville smiled, sliding onto the bed next to her and she grinned then kissed him quickly then settled back against the headboard, adjusting the pillows behind her back and opening the journal. “Reading again?” Mina nodded, flipping through the pages until she reached the month of July.

“Baby? Why are my journal pages missing?”

“What pages?” Ville asked with a small frown as he looked down at the journal.

“The pages from when you were gone the first time. Almost a whole month is gone. I usually wrote in my journals every day.” Ville nodded then sighed.

“I stole them.”

“You stole my journal pages?” He nodded smiling as she stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Before you moved out.”

“Huh? I moved out?”

“Yeah. After I finally told you about the band.”

Mina frowned biting her bottom lip. We were living together and I still didn’t know about the band? How stupid was I? Was I just that much in love with him that I believed everything he said? She huffed. Obviously. “Why?” Ville sighed again.

“You were pissed, beyond pissed and I thought...I hoped that you loved me and that’s why you were so upset that I had lied to you for so long. I knew you wouldn’t tell me if I asked you. You were so angry with me you yelled at me the entire time you were packing your clothes to go back to your apartment. You started grabbing your journals and I know which one you’d been writing in so I stole it before you could find it and cut the pages out from when I left the first time. I knew I would be able to tell from those. I handed you the journal when you were walking out. You almost broke then, but I knew you needed time to cool off or we would have been fighting and given up on each other.”

“What did you do with them?” Ville was lost in thought and didn’t realize she was asking about where the pages were now.

“I put them in my back pocket.” Mina smiled.

“I mean now. Where are they now?”

“Oh, uh. They should be in the bottom drawer of your jewelry box. I put them in there when you moved back in, I don’t think you ever took them out.” Mina nodded, jumping from the bed and running to the cherry stained vanity and put her hands on the ornately carved jewelry box. Every piece of jewelry that she owned, what her parents had given her and what Ville had given her was resting inside the box. Including her engagement and wedding rings.

Her husband had put the rings in there after they had gotten home and promised her that he understood that she wouldn’t want to wear them right away and that they would wait until she was ready for the platinum and diamond bands. She didn’t have the heart to even look at them. She sighed then opened the bottom drawer smiling softly when she saw a tiny gold charm bracelet with five charms. Each of them a different colored unicorn. Gold, platinum, white gold, rose gold and sterling silver. Is it mine? Or did we get it for Angel? She lifted the bracelet, turning the links in her hands as she studied the charms.

“It’s mine.” she whispered. “Mommy and daddy got it for me when I was a baby. One unicorn for each birthday until I turned six and decided I liked puppies better.”

Ville smiled watching Mina as she picked up another charm bracelet, this one slightly bigger with dog shaped charms instead of unicorns. Does she even realize that she’s remembering? Tears filled his eyes as she spoke of the birthdays that she had gotten the charms on. The other presents she had gotten and the one year that they had been moving on her birthday and had given her the charm and a cupcake on the plane, promising that they would get her a cake and have a party as soon as things were settled. Mina turned to Ville, grinning madly as she held the bracelet in her hands.

“I remember these. I still don’t quite know who I am, but I remember these.”

“You will, baby. I know you will.” She nodded and a look of concern filled her eyes as she stared at him.

“What’s wrong?”

“Just happy, my love.” Mina smiled and picked up the bracelet with the unicorn charms, putting the larger one back in the drawer.

“Me too. I want to give this one to Angel. Does she like unicorns?” Ville nodded and his wife gently placed the smaller bracelet on the vanity then pulled the folded journal pages from their resting place. She grinned unfolding them and moved back to the bed to sit next to her husband.

“You cut them out didn’t you? It didn’t look like they had been, but...” Mina trailed off picking up the journal and opening it to the spot the missing pages were from.

“With a knife yes.” Ville laughed, almost blushing. He’d been so lovesick back then. All right, if he wanted to admit it he still was. He was so lovesick and broken hearted when she had gotten pissed and moved back into her apartment. He had known then, just as he knew now that it had been his own fault that she had nearly left him. That she had told him to fuck off and never speak to her again. Of course if he had listened, and thankfully he hadn’t, they wouldn’t be together now. He had pretty much stalked her for those horrible weeks before she’d given in. He had been and still was surprised that she hadn’t gotten a restraining order. Nothing says “I love you” like a restraining order right?

Ville laughed again shaking his head when Mina stared at him with a raised eyebrow. “It’s nothing love. Just thinking about how young and foolish I was then.” She grinned.

“You were still very sweet. I imagine I was a bit foolish back then too. Though I am older than you are so probably not. Women mature faster and all that.” Mina giggled watching as her husband pouted, crossing his arms over his chest and turning away from her with a fake sniffle.

“Shows how much you know.”

She closed the journal, setting it aside silently and leaned closer to her husband grinning madly as he lifted one hand and flipped his hair over his shoulder, hiding his face from her. His hair was long enough now that it hung several inches past his shoulders and Mina loved to tangle her fingers into his wavy curls. He sniffed again and Mina reached up, pushing his hair back over his shoulder, tucking the locks behind his ear. “I love you.” She told him in a soft voice. One that she used when he was truly upset about something.

Ville grinned, dropping his chin to his chest, letting his hair fall back over his face and almost laughed when he heard his wife sigh. The bed shifted as she scooted closer to him and he sniffled once again, shrugging his shoulders when she leaned over his back with her arms wrapped around his stomach and her chin resting on his shoulder, her lips at his ear. “Ville?” He shook his head making her lips ghost over his ear and shivering when a tingle ran down his spine. “I said I love you, baby.” He had never not said it back immediately after she had said it before. He knew he was making her nervous that she had actually hurt his feelings, but he couldn’t help himself.

Mina sighed again, her breath brushing against his ear. He acted like such a girl sometimes. Probably he always had. Which would once again give merit to her past ideology that he was a homosexual. She started to pull away from her husband then grinned deviously and lifted one hand, once again moving his hair back from his face and tucking it behind his ear. She noticed him shiver once again and kissed the pulse point under his ear then ran her tongue around the shell of his ear making him gasp and chill bumps form on his pale skin.

Ville felt himself harden almost instantly and resisted the urge to turn and pull Mina onto his lap and let her feel what she was doing to him. It was the first remotely sexual thing she had done and he didn’t want to ruin the moment by making her panic. He bit his bottom lip to keep from whimpering when she trailed her warm tongue over his neck. He clutched his sides tightly, to keep from grasping at her and shuddered when she began skimming her fingers over the tattoo peeking out from the waistband of his pajama bottoms. He shook his head, clutching her hand. His control shaky at best as he forced himself not to shove her hand down his pants.


“Don’t sweetheart. I know we’re playing, but please don’t do that.” he begged quietly. Mina bit her bottom lip wondering what she had done wrong. Wondering if she had gone too far.

“What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?” Ville shook his head quickly, turning to face her and smiled softly.

“No, kulta. Not at all. It’s just...it’s been a really, really long time and I’m not sure I can deal with teasing like that, Mina.”

She blushed immensely as she followed his gaze down to his lap and her eyes widened. Her mouth fell open in a silent ‘oh’ and she nodded quickly. “Sorry. I didn’t think...I didn’t realize that it...that you...I mean...sorry.” She stuttered and Ville shook his head slowly.

“It’s fine darling.” Mina nodded and gave Ville a quick kiss before pulling her hands away from him and scooting back to her spot. “Mina?” She looked to him, her blush slowly fading. “I love you, too.” They both laughed and she picked up her journal, sighing happily as they began to read.

As always comments and con-crit are loved and very much appreciated. *hugs*

ville valo, valo/ofc

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