A dreamy existence chapter two

Sep 14, 2008 16:02


Ville becomes lost in suspended consiousness due to a terrible car accident which almost cost him his life. He exists only in the visions of a beautiful woman with black hair. Who could this woman be, and why does he exist in her visions? He begins to rely on seeing her in her dreams every night. He knows that everytime he sees her he becomes stronger. When he wakes up, will he ever meet her in real life, or will he forever wonder who she is and why he existed only with her.



chapter one

"Seriously Rose, I'm not joking. I had a dream last night, and I saw him there. I thought he was just a figment of my imagination, but then I saw the news. He's real!" Tila said as she paced back and forth. She seemed to be pacing quicker than she had two minutes ago. She had never been so confused in her life. Seeing Ville in her dreams and finding out that he was real was making her lose her mind.
"You're losing your mind Tila."
"I may be losing my mind, but he's fucking real."
"It's impossible to tell if someone in a dream is a real person unless you know them, now stop it."

Tila finally gave up on convincing Rose about Ville being a real person and not just in her head. "Well, I don't care what you say right now, I'm going to go right into the hospital and ask to see him." She said. "Are you kidding me! If he is real like you say, they won't let you see him! He's the lead singer of the band HIM!" Rose said as she took a firm grip of Tila's shoulders. "I'll just tell them that I'm related to him, they won't know the difference." She said as she began to turn on her heel. "Fine, go, I can't stop you when your mind is made up...but he's not real." Rose said watching her friend walk away. "Um, Tila, you're going the wrong way!" She said as Tila turned around. "Dammit."


"May I help you miss?" The receptionist said smiling brightly. "Yeah, I'm here to see Ville Valo, I'm his fionce." She said lying. She had prepared for saying this earlier, she had the ring from her previous engagement on her left ring finger, hoping that she was believable enough to fool everyone. "You are? Oh, okay, I can't stop you from seeing him if you're his fionce. Right this way." She said getting up and leading Tila into a large white room. She hated the smell of hospitals, they smelled awful, but once she was in his room, the receptionist spoke. "Stay here as long as you like miss." She said as she left the room, leaving Tila standing at the end of his bed. "Oh my God, it's really him. I sure hope he wakes up, I wonder if he really does have a fionce though." She said to herself.

Tila walked over and sat in the chair that was sitting next to the chair. It felt cold against her back, as if someone hadn't sat in it for a long time. Tila started singing softly to herself. "So much my happy ending, let's talk this over, it's not like we're dead. Was it something i did? Was it somthing you said? Don't leave me hanging, in a city so dead. Held up so high on such a breakable thread. You were all the things i thought i knew and i thought we could be."

She decided she should call Rose and tell her that she got in. She searched through her cell phone for Rose Saki's number and called her. She answered on the third ring. "Hello Tila." She said happily. "I'm sitting next to his bed now." She said as she heard Rose gasp. "Oh my God, so he is real." She said surprised.
"I told you."
"How did you get in?"
"He's my fionce remember."
"You didn't."
"You're fucking crazy." Rose said laughing. "I know I am, that's what everyone says." Tila replied as she pushed hair from her pale face. "I hope he wakes up." She said. "For your sake, I do too." Rose replied as Tila laughed. "I'm getting tired, I was up during the night last night because of the dream, maybe he'll wake up while I'm sleeping, or not." She said as she hung up the phone. She began to sing to herself again, and soon, she drifted off to sleep.

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