chapter 28

Aug 01, 2008 14:01

Solena Stone disappeared on her 19th birthday, she was presumed to have incinerated in the hot flames from a car crash. Ville was distraught because Solena happened to be his girlfriend at the time. What happens when Solena really isn't dead and she turns up in London at the exact same time that Ville is in London. What goes on when they find each other once again, do they start back where they left off at, or do they forget they were even together.

Rating: R


"God damn, I missed the wedding. I can't believe I confused the dates, now they're married, and I couldn't stop it. Stupid Tatjana, how could you confuse the 12th with the 21st." Tatjana cursed herself as she walked down the sidewalk by herself on a warm day in May. Tatjana kicked a small rock that was laying on the sidewalk. "I wish I could have stopped the wedding...wait a minute, i'll just find a way that Solena can't be with Ville, if I can't be with him, no one can." Tatjana said silently. "I'll show my cousin Solena exactly what bad luck is." She said taking a pill bottle from her pocket. "There has to be a way that i can see Ville and get this into him somehow without anyone knowing, because then, no one will have him." She said laughing maniacally to herself.

Tatjana walked about four blocks and walked into a bar that stood close to the sex shop in Helsinki. As she walked in, she spotted a familiar face. It was Ville, he was all alone sitting at one of the tables in the empty bar. Tatjana hid and watched as he got up, she looked around the bar and saw no one, not even the bartender was around. "Hmm, I think this is the perfect timing, he won't even see it coming, he'll drink his coke and won't even taste the Serzone. This is perfect, not even Solena can stop me now." Tatjana whispered to herself as she opened the bottle of Serzone that she had grinded into powder, just for Ville.

Now all I have to do is pour the Serzone into his coke, he won't even notice it there, it will dissolve so quickly, he won't even know anyone was here. She thought to herself as she poured half the bottle of powder into his drink and walked away quickly before anyone saw her. Time to leave and go to his concert, lets see if this drug does the trick, if so, he should pass out during the concert, it takes about a hour and a half for the drug to start working. Tatjana laughed quietly to herself as she hid again, watching Ville come back and sit back down. Ville looked around looking for anything out of the ordinary but saw nothing. He had already picked up his glass and tipped his head back to finish it. Tatjana left the bar laughing.


Ville walked to the backstage area greeting the security guards as he walked in. He kissed Solena as he walked towards her and then planted a small kiss on each babies forehead. "Hello darling." Ville said smiling brightly as he hugged her, listening to the babies coo. "Are you getting ready for the concert?" Solena asked. "Yes darling, it took about an hour to get back here, the concert starts in twenty minutes." ville said walking over to where his clothes were and picking out his black blazer and tophat. He quickly changed and put his tophat on. He kissed Solena and both babies and walked onto the stage, hearing the crowd cheer loudly as he walked on.

Ville looked over at Gas then Mige, Linde, and Burton. He walked up to the microphone and almost lost his balance. He immediately felt dizzy and sick to his stomach. "This ones called-" He felt bile rising in his throat and quickly swallowed, "Join me in Death." He said as Linde walked over to him. "Are you okay?" He asked softly. "Yeah, just a little sick." He said swallowing again as the band began to play. "We are so young, our lives have just begun, but already, we are considering escape from this world." He sung beautifully as everything began to spin around him. Ville lost all the strength in his knees and fell, hitting his head on the hard stage and losing conciousness. The crowd gasped as his head hit the stage with a crack. Tatjana laughed quietly. It worked exactly according to plan, I'd like to see Solena's face, but I don't want to be caught, so I better leave. She thought as she walked away from the crowd.
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